I was looking at Fortune magazine yesterday with the top 500 companies in the states. Along with financial info, they listed the website of each company. I didn't see one url that wasn't a .com
So far no one has come up with a way to navigate the internet without using a dot "something". Imagine you built a website and had to tell someone how to get there, or advertise it. How else could you do it without a .com, .net, dot something? Similar to phone numbers, which have worked for decades and not been replaced. People will always use the simplest way, so it's hard to imagine domains being replaced. Domains are the filing system of the internet.
Will .COM always be the king of the internet?
yeah logically you would think .net would of been the trump TLD cause its an abbreviation in internet.
Lately ive been wondering if, we americans would buy or take the .us name more seriously if it were .usa
nice read of this thread. dot com will be a king for long time. However, Is there any chance that a total revolution makes domain in a complete different way?
I think so..
I think domains will remain very similar for a very long time to come, domains are only in their infancy IMO.
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