Theres only a small amount of people who see the value in .us (which is there) and then theres the rest that have been told by someone else that .com is king,
it is in a way but it's not the only extension that works
.us /.net/.es and all the rest will do exactly what .com will do.
all you need is something that your visitors need and i'm sure they will remember .us
You'll not see many of the .commers investing in .us as they know the potential is there but cant risk everyone else knowing,
EG: was in the Idate auction (i never followed it but Internet dating auction) And the name was dropped Why ?
What better name is there for this kind of auction ? :lol:
Didn't want to see a .us beat most of the crap they had in there
and nuestar is not helping matters much IMHO!
i'm happy to invest all my money in .us (which has almost paid off) but it's your choice.
you'll always get people telling you not to and just invest in .com (which to get anywwhere near the good names will cost you your house
it's a waiting game for sure with .us but what better extension to invest in than the 1 that makes the most sense for us businesses. it's the most talked about 2 letters in the world, US (maybee a bit over the top but you get my point)