Do yourself a favor and never check Estibot again. Their appraisals are meaningless. Why are they meaningless? Because they wouldn't guarantee to buy names for even 10 percent of the appraisal. So, appraisals like that are useless.
I see lots of people touting Estibot appraisals, as well as Google Searches in their sales threads. That is pretty much a sure sign of a worthless name. If the name is strong it generally needs no sales pitch like that. If the Google searches really amounted to traffic then the person wouldn't be giving the name away for reg fee.
Do you really think this name is worth anything? Imagine talking to a girl and telling her you are a domainer. Are you comfortable telling her that you just registered It doesn't help the cause, I wouldn't think.
Stick to basic stuff before you go out registering names on your own. I bought a bunch of names the last few months on this forum. Below are some of the ones I picked up.
These are just a few of the names I picked up. They all make sense, and they all have the potential for nice sales at some point. I never once asked about traffic, or Estibot appraisals, or anything. There is a universe of buyers for each name, and that is obvious the moment you see these names.