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closed Electronic Cigarette (ecig) domain values ???

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Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
May 22, 2013
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Brand new to the forum obviously.... and brand new to domaining...

So I have a pretty large portfolio (over 400) of Domains all relating to the electronic cigarette industry (common terms: ecigs, vaporcigs, vapes )... If you have never heard of them... you will soon... It's estimated that within 10 years (or less) ecig smokers will actually exceed the number regular tobacco smokers.... which is a literally Trillion dollar industry worldwide.

So it seems to me ecig domains should have a pretty big future ... especially when you consider the health advantages, cost advantages, and the fact that it is a delivery system for an affordable and highly addictive legal substance. Every cross section of the world smokes.... it's not exactly a niche market... poor, rich, middle class... they all smoke... and now with Ecigs... there is a cigarette that doesn't have any of the negative health drawbacks. (or very few...its cheaper... and it doesn't smell bad)

As of right now a few states have bans on all tobacco online sales...including Ecigs...(which is no doubt a limiting factor)... however laws are made to be changed. Most states do allow for online sales.. Nothing is set in stone. If you told me 20 years ago there would be state laws legalizing Marijuana for medical use, and in some cases personal recreational use... I would have asked, "what are you smoking"? .... Point being just because a ban exists on online sales now... doesn't mean there will be one 5, 10, or 20 years from now.... especially if the government can raise tax revenue from them....and logic is on your side.

So that is my thinking... I think Ecigs might be just about the best thing since sliced bread. But what say you all?
What is your ballpark estimate on the value of these?

my domains include: (hyphen included)

Plus a few hundred others.... some better than others....

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

ps... check out this Google Trend chart for the term - Ecigs
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Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
May 22, 2013
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edit.... ..... not (some other lucky bugger got that one)

btw... why do I have a picture in my head of every person that reads this thread....going directly to godaddy to buy ecig domains? Or is that just my inflated imagination on the value of these? :)

Fact is there are still alot available.... All of the domains I own were purchased in the past couple months. Good luck... Hopefully we can all profit right?

But please don't forget to come back and help me out with some ballpark estimates after you secure your own place on the ecig gravy train! :)
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Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2006
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Brand new to the forum obviously....
and brand new to domaining... Well... OBVIOUSLY TOO

As a newbie at some point, been there, done that, dropped them.

400 domains mean 400 renewal fees every year.
Unless you sell more than one domain per day, all you have for next year(s) is a huge renewal burden.
Your enthusiasm around e-cigs made you believe that domainers will pay more than reg fee for such domains, where I beg to disagree.
Why not save those bucks to buy one or two REALLY solid, category killer, domains? That would translate into increasing value and extremely low renewal expenses.


Level 5
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 15, 2009
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I think you missed the boat for ecigs. There was such a high demand for them that they were selling for $100 a pop without charges. Now that there is monopolistic competition for this product, they're being sold at convenience stores (in Japan at least) for $10 that includes charges up to a carton of cigarettes.


Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
May 22, 2013
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>> "Why not save those bucks to buy one or two REALLY solid, category killer, domains? That would translate into increasing value and extremely low renewal expenses."

I follow your thinking... but for the specific category of Ecigs... can you give a specific example in your opinion of what would be a, "category killer" domain in that specific Industry? (besides and

I thought mine were pretty solid... and I respect your opinion... but if someone wants to purchase an ecig recharger online... (and there are going to be more and more of those people worldwide).... what are they going to type into Google?

They are going to type: Ecig Rechargers... I own .... how is that not a category killer? (or at the very least a solid domain worth some decent $$)

Same thing for menthol ecigs. (one of the most popular flavors worldwide).... I own (granted the order of the words is reversed)...but to me it's still a pretty solid domain in that category... you say no?... Again I respect your opinion... what am I missing?

Thanks in advance

(ps... if it's more because you don't believe in the growth potential for the market for ecigs.... I guess it makes sense... I disagree strongly... but I would understand your luke-warm reaction to the domains)


Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
May 22, 2013
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>>>There was such a high demand for them that they were selling for $100 a pop

Thanks.... But the demand has not diminished.... the supply has increased no doubt... which has dropped the price... that's pretty basic. I wouldn't look at the price of the product to gauge its popularity. If anything the demand is growing.... The supply is growing with it because major multi-billion dollar companies (like Lorillard who bought Blu ecigs in april) are getting in the game.

To me when the Tobacco giants (Altria, Phil Morris etc.) are putting horses in the race it seems to me there must be a growing potential market. I guess time will tell.

Thanks again!


Level 5
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 15, 2009
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I think you need to take economics again.

When supply increases, that does not decrease the price UNLESS demand decreases as demand follows the supply curve and can create a surplus if demand is lower than supply.

Furthermore, you yourself provided a prime example of monopolistic competition, as there are no boundaries, it is easy to enter the market... essentially making ecigs the equivalentof toothpaste. Except toothpaste has somewhat inelastic demand as we have to brush our teeth and ecigs are elastic.

This is 101...

You missed the boat.
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Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
May 22, 2013
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Thanks for your opinion David.

I disagree with your analysis... but I respect your opinion. As far as, "missing the boat"....To me the boat hasn't even left the shipyard...they literally haven't even finished building that boat.

Here are some facts.....It's a fact that right now the Tobacco giants (multi-billion dollar companies) are literally investing hundreds of millions of dollars in the advanced research and development of NEW electronic cigarette technology that doesn't even exist now... (hence...building the boat)... They are spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing NEW technology, and NEW liquid based nicotine, "recipes" that don't even exist.... to make e-cigs even more pleasurable to the customer.... and most importantly more addictive. (they will not admit that part... but having a product that is literally physiologically, and psychologically addicting to is goal number 1...and it has worked very well for them for hundreds of years) That's also one big difference between toothpaste and ecigs.... ecigs deliver an addictive legal substance.

It's also a fact that part of the reason for the recent rise in popularity of e-cigs was due to significant advancements in vaporizer technology, that made ecigs much more pleasurable for the customer.... those advancements up until now have essentially been forwarded by low-end, and low funded.... almost "mom and pop" level companies that have no doubt done a great job creating new technology... but there is always room for improvement of a product that is technology based. Now the Giants are funding research and development of that technology to make it even better...more pleasurable (and addictive) to the customer.

Combine that with the fact that this product has virtually none of the negative health drawbacks of regular Tobacco, (a trillion dollar industry) yet all of the same addictive qualities..... and you should begin to see the potential for growth in this market. If you don't see it I guess no amount of my illustrating is going to change your mind... which is fine.

Again I respect your opinion... don't take it personally.... but I think it's you who is missing the boat as we speak.... as are a lot of people... (judging by the availability of pretty decent domains I was able to pick up in this industry)

The fact is ecigs have not even come close to reaching their full potential.... (it's actually still possible to walk up to a random person on the street and say.... do you know what an ecig is?.... id say 1 in 10.... will say they have no idea what you are talking about).... try that with toothpaste. See if you can find that many people who have never even heard of a product.

Conservative estimates by multiple well respected business journals have predicted that the sales of ecigs could easily exceed 1 billion dollars in less than 2 years. Considering sales in 2012 were $300 million.... I'd say that's pretty good growth.

In anycase... thanks for your input...I guess time will tell which of us is correct.


Level 14
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 13, 2004
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If you know so well then why do you need appraisal?


Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
May 22, 2013
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Well, I freely admit I am new to domaining specifically. My knowledge on the value of domains in general is limited to what I would describe as "common sense". That being said the more research I do on domaining specifically... it has become clear to me that common sense is not really enough... and that there are some subtleties and quirks to the domaining market that are not obvious to the casual observer. In other words.... I know enough... to know that I don't know that much... :)

But while I don't know much about domaining... I know a business that is about to explode and grow exponentially when I see one.... My "certainty" in the posts above is mostly in direct reference to ecigs as an industry. I am fairly certain that ecigs are going to be one of the largest, and fastest growing industries in the world. I would bet the farm on that so to speak. I do not have the same degree of certainty on the value of my domains....(though obviously I think they are decent...otherwise I wouldnt have bought them)

I don't know how the exponential growth I expect that is coming in ecigs... is going to reflect on the value of domains in that industry. And I obviously dont know how the domains I own are worth... or how much they will be worth 10 years from now. Common sense told me they should be worth something.... (check out my list again).... but perhaps like I said my common sense was skewed relative to the domain market.

I came here because it seems like there are alot of people who know alot about domaining... and I certainly respect their opinion relative to domaining. I was hoping to get some feedback on that aspect specifically. I have no problem debating the notion that ecigs are going to expand into one of the largest major growth industiries in the world... but thats not what I came here for.

I do realize the success of the industry... and the value of the domain are intertwined... But as far as an appraisal goes I guess it would be most helpful to me if the, "appraiser" for arguments sake... agreed with my assesment that ecigs were at the very least a growing market with decent future potential.... with that as a baseline assumption by the appraiser... how much are the domains I own worth?

Not sure if that makes sense... but that's why Im here :)
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Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2003
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Good luck with your names and portfolio.

Realistically, with a large niche portfolio you will have some winners and more losers. But, an easy way to see which one will shine and outperform is to park them all and watch the type-in traffic and revenue generated from them. Then, over time, as new products take off or flounder, you can cull the list.

Folks are trying to tell you about the expense and it can get heady at times for the average income person. If you are looking 10 years out, then do the simple math...400 names x $9 renewal = approx. $3600 per year in renewal fees. Over ten years that will be $40,000 or so for your niche portfolio.

Also, check out drops and see names in auctions and always try and upgrade your portfolio with better names. Don't bet the farm on all hand registered names.

If you like ecigs, great...stay your course. I know I had a programmer tell me about them approx. 6-7-8 years ago and I missed the boat.

But, I think in a few years you will want to cull the list and get better names with more potential. Park them, see how much traffic they get and income earned and will be a guide marker.

Don't be afraid to let some go and buy others in the aftermarkets.

Good luck.


Level 5
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 15, 2009
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Ten years from now if the trends you predict are correct, the sky is the limit. Look at cloud, I was wrong about that.

Additionally, you add that there are so many companies jumping on the bandwagon. They will try to differentiate themselves by branding each ecig in such a way that they have brand loyalty—such as me purchasing Marlboro Reds over Newports.

A question you should ask yourself: does Philip Morris own or do they own Big tobacco won’t get the upper hand in the industry by getting category killer ecig domains, they will do it by branding their product like they have over the past 166 years and continuing to have satisfied customers without domains.

However, if the trend/demand shifts to buying in stores as it's more convenient than shipping them (I.E. after buying gas on your way home like most folks do rather than waiting 1-3 days for express mail), they will be worth -$34,680 if you are to renew them for 10 years at this time and date in ten years.

Now, time to get cancer and smoke a Marb Red cause I prefer inhaling carcinogens over healthy vapors.


Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
May 22, 2013
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Thanks Hands!

Yeah.... I agreee on the renewal fees... and more than likely more than half of the domains I currently own are going to get dropped within a year or two... its good to have that as an option.

I'm also actually thinking about pursuing leasing some of the domains....(which is a whole new can of worms I realize).... but If I could generate some steady income from a few of them... that would be great. Plus if the ecig market does what I expect it will do... I will still own the domain.

I know it's hard to pull stuff out of thin air... but as far as the, "winners" go....which in that list do you like? And what is your ballpark estimate on value? Thanks for your response.. it was helpful!


Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
May 22, 2013
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> if the trend/demand shifts to buying in stores as it's more convenient than shipping them (I.E. after buying gas on your way home like most folks do rather than waiting 1-3 days for express mail), they will be worth -$34,680 if you are to renew them for 10 years at this time and date in ten years.

Agreed... that being said... a big motivator for purchasing online is often, "discounts" and bulk buying... and alot of the domains I have (many not listed) fit into those categories... thanks for your help!


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2003
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Let the stats tell you most of the story.

To look thru all your names and make estimates and value is very time do a proper job. But, over time, when you get reasonable offers and produce income, you will have an idea.

But, do your own I assume or hope you did before you registered them all.

I always look for advertisers many advertisers are there for your specific product? Look at Trends...look at Keywords searches...all that goes into values.

Time changes your views and feelings on domains.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2006
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I might be e-cig illiterate, but I do know what a break-even point is. 10-15 domain sales at $300 each will mean black ink for you. Is that doable? Time and offers,not hope, will tell

Personally, I like a lot more a single sale at 6k than 20 sales at 300.

Ok, you have proven you can accumulate domains. If you don't sell some of them for a significant profit in the next 2 years, I will reiterate my right to stay skeptical about such portfolio's potential.

Properly developing a single domain to make a decent PPC income takes time. I find it hard to do it 3-4 times a year while staying reasonable focused in my regular job. Doing it 400 times... Sorry, I'm a bit pessimistic here.
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