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Endusers are sometimes flat out stupid

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Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2003
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I got an offer 2 years ago on a military travel generic name, at the time i said i would accept 500.00 dollars, because it only got 3-5 uniques a week and back then 10 cents a click, he got upset and said no, he built a website around the dot.net for military cruises because of him the name name now earns me 500 dollars a year in parked income how could he be so foolish to build a great site around a dot net when the dot com was so cheap, i can understand building sites on lower extensions when the dotcom demands a premium but i just cant figure this guy
Domain Days 2024


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2006
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Some people would read what you just wrote and say-and so? For this particular guy was he seasoned web builder or a first timer? Some people just don't know that .com is worth more than .net. To them the upfront cost of $500 vs a fresh reg of $10 doesn't make much sense. Does he know you are now reaping the rewards of his hard work?

$500 may be cheap to one person but a small fortune to another. But if both sites were now up for sale beside on another which is worth more? ;)


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 24, 2005
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I got the name Microscripts.com from Snap Names last year for $60. There is a decent site at Microscripts.net so I sent the guy an email. He didn't understand why I thought he would be interested...he was so out of line that I will probably just keep the name forever and not worry about it.

Out of the 20 people or so in my life who I have attempted to explain this business to I can count on a bird's hand how many have actually taken the ball and run with it. Trust me, very few people in the world "Get it".


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 5, 2006
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Well, people also don't like to feel they are being blackmailed for a name...might have been the guys reaction. I'm not at all saying you approached this guy wrong (I believe you were actually doing him a favor)... i'm just commenting on how he may have taken it.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2003
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fatter - if you are making $500 per year in parked revenue he is probably making many times that in real revenue.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2003
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gmac17 said:
fatter - if you are making $500 per year in parked revenue he is probably making many times that in real revenue.

I am sure he does quiete well but I aso see this with a few other of my names
when the dotcom is available for a small price and people refuse to buy it because of their pride or whatever reason they hurt their own business. Maybe they look at it like he only payed 10 bucks,why should i give him 500, by the way i had dot.coms before they regged other exts i dont reg names to steal peoples traffic


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 24, 2005
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Onward said:
Well, people also don't like to feel they are being blackmailed for a name...might have been the guys reaction. I'm not at all saying you approached this guy wrong (I believe you were actually doing him a favor)... i'm just commenting on how he may have taken it.

Everyone who has a major site in .net without having the equivalent in dotcom needs to be put in his/her place. If that means paying off someone who has a clue, then so be it.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 25, 2005
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I wouldnt have paid that much for a domain getting negligible traffic if it wasnt premium. You can still build successful sites on non .com extensions. $500 isn't anything to be sneezed at for everyone and can go a long way in marketing a website. If your are being rewarded by their websites success then I really can't see how that's stupid on their part.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
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Apr 15, 2002
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WhoDatDog said:
Trust me, very few people in the world "Get it".

That's for sure! I have never even met 1 person over all these years who understood domain-naming and websites, including so called end-users

After explaining it to dozens of people I no longer bother as they all look at me with a blank expression and do not have the foggiest idea what I am talking about no matter how simple and basic my explanation is. I am always amazed at how utterly dense the public is about so many subjects, especially the internet.

Several I spoke to in person recently did not even know ads they see on websites were paid ads or there for the revenue. They said stuff like they assumed companies ran the ads just to fill up space on a website and for helpful free product information purposes.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2003
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dcristo said:
I wouldnt have paid that much for a domain getting negligible traffic if it wasnt premium. You can still build successful sites on non .com extensions. $500 isn't anything to be sneezed at for everyone and can go a long way in marketing a website. If your are being rewarded by their websites success then I really can't see how that's stupid on their part.

are you thinking like a domainer or someone who this is there sole business, yes as a domainer i agree, but to spend 500 bucks as a brick and mortar company for the dot.com is a steal this isnt just with one domain i see atrend here

On a side note I dont own many non dot coms but even the few i own when i am typing them in new parking companies i catch myself inputting them in as the dot.com version, i even have some names
in the dotcom that people accidently link to me but ment to type in another extension, in one case a major newspaper did it. Dot com rules without a doubt, i wonder if dotcomrules.com is available


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 25, 2005
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I am a domainer and didn't get into this business early. You quickly learn .com is king but you can still make a good go of other extensions :)


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 27, 2005
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trader said:
After explaining it to dozens of people I no longer bother as they all look at me with a blank expression and do not have the foggiest idea what I am talking about no matter how simple and basic my explanation is. I am always amazed at how utterly dense the public is about so many subjects, especially the internet.

Several I spoke to in person recently did not even know ads they see on websites were paid ads or there for the revenue. They said stuff like they assumed companies ran the ads just to fill up space on a website and for helpful free product information purposes.

Someone once told me they thought Google automatically put ads on sites and it was Google who got paid for all the ads, not the webmasters! I said yeah you're right, keep clicking LOL. And this was coming from a guy with 2 degrees in Business.

Another person said parked pages were "just a convenience" for people to find what they're looking for when there is no site for the domain. People get paid? :doh:

It's to our benefit though. If people knew they were paying us everytime they clicked on an ad they probably wouldn't click as much!

I don't bother to mention my end user sales to people b/c they stare at me like I robbed the person blind. I think that's how some potential end users might feel (like fatter's for example) and that's why they don't buy- they don't understand the true value, they just know you own a domain they want. If I mention the biggest domain sales or how much a name recently sold for off of DNJournal, this is what I hear from people: "Why would someone pay that much for a domain? Those Godaddy commercials say you can buy one for $1.99." Then they go type-in loans.com and don't see where the value lies.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 18, 2003
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I can see your POV.
and I can see the .net guy's POV.
However, in the lon g run (which is getting shorter), he will regret not paying the $500.
IMHO, it was a mistake not to go for the .com.
But no one knows the person's financial status, so...
anyhow, the more the .net gets going, the higher the *potential* of your .com.
I'd be hapy now :)


Domain Buyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 23, 2002
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fatter said:
I got an offer 2 years ago on a military travel generic name, at the time i said i would accept 500.00 dollars, because it only got 3-5 uniques a week and back then 10 cents a click, he got upset and said no, he built a website around the dot.net for military cruises because of him the name name now earns me 500 dollars a year in parked income how could he be so foolish to build a great site around a dot net when the dot com was so cheap, i can understand building sites on lower extensions when the dotcom demands a premium but i just cant figure this guy

It's called being short-sighted.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 18, 2003
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DaddyHalbucks said:
It's called being short-sighted.

we call it being stingy were I come from....


Internet Real Estate
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 25, 2004
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Some so-called end users really are clueless. And then some want something for nothing.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2006
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How many making these comments about being short sighted etc actually develop the names they buy/own?

Starting a website guarantees no return but can guarantee tons of work and money down the drain. To develop a top notch website and advertise it takes a fair amount of cash. Many business schools teach you to keep your upfront costs down as much as possible as it helps you avoid going broke later. Starting with debt that you can't manage is a stupid business practice, and that may have been on the front of this particular guys mind.

Without knowing the background of the guy in question here, he might have had a limited budget to begin with. So that $500 up front might have meant the difference between paying for advertising or development or nothing at all after paying for the .com.

Beyond that, he seems to be doing just fine with the .net. The people using that site could probably give a flying F if it is .net or .com. They get what they want from the site and that makes them happy users, in turn the website owner is rewarded for his work. I highly doubt he has or will ever hear a customer/user say - I'm not using/visiting your site again because it is a .net. It just doesn't happen.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2003
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I remmember an article in one of the major news outlets, that said 60 percent of people trying to reach a site for the first time failed because of a few issues, domain was unmemorable, the ext wasnt dotcom where the 2 main reasons.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2006
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fatter said:
I remmember an article in one of the major news outlets, that said 60 percent of people trying to reach a site for the first time failed because of a few issues, domain was unmemorable, the ext wasnt dotcom where the 2 main reasons.

Now that I could see if it was short and typeable, but if not, then the mass of traffic is going to come from search engines and inbound links.

Then again, I saw a local bank advertising some new product and it was about twenty letters long, didn't include their bank name in the url and flashed it on the screen for about two seconds - now that is flat out stupid!
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