Here's some different scenarios which I think are accurate (I'm sure I'll be told if they're not) and may help clarify things:
1. You can fill your account by charging $100 to your credit card, eNom will deduct 3% leaving $97 in your account. You can buy domains yourself, $6.95 will be deducted from your account for each domain-year purchased.
2. You can send eNom a check for $100 to fill your account, all $100 will go to your account. Buy domains yourself as in
#1, $6.95 deducted from your account for each domain-year.
3. You use Registry Rocket to sell domains via your account at $8.95/domain-year. For each purchase, the transaction fee (.95+3% of 8.95 (for one year) = 1.22) will be deducted, leaving you with a 78 cent profit. If, for example, a domain is registered for 2 years, then the fee is .95+3% of 17.90 (2 years at 8.95/yr) = 1.49, leaving you with a 2.51 profit for that transaction.
4. You create a Reseller subaccount with a $8.95 cost give it to somebody. They fill their account with funds; if they use a credit card, then eNom will deduct 3% from their deposit. You are not involved in that transaction. When they purchase domains, the purchase price (8.95) is deducted from their account pool and you are credited with the commission of $2.00 per domain-year.
5. You create a Reseller subaccount with a $8.95 cost and give it to somebody. They use Registry Rocket to sell domains to their customers via their account, at say, $10.95. The subaccount holder pays the transaction fee of .95+3% of 10.95 (= 1.28), giving them a profit of 72 cents. You get a commission of $2 for the sale.
This is my understanding of how it works. As I said, if I'm offbase anywhere, I'm sure somebody will let me know.