If you have already submitted the domain for transfer OUT, Enom then closes down the ability to make any other changes during the five day processing period. You can't change your mind and push it to someone unless you cancel the transfer.
I hate the fact that registrars are using the "mail the Auth code" system instead of just showing the authcode. It makes for bulk transferring a major undertaking. You ask, "just submit a customer support request", and I reply "we're talking Enom here..."
So to transfer out a hundred domains, you need to request 100 emails for their auth codes. Hope you remembered to keep the same admin email listed for all 100 domains, or you'll be hopping all over the place trying to find them. This is an issue I will have as topic in our Domain Roundtable "Registrar Features Shootout" in August. Any feature that causes domainers more work and effort to manage their domains is a "naughty feature" and should be spanked off the registrar.
That session will be one fun time to to spend grilling the registrar spokespeople on why they do something, why they don't do something, what features we should be excited about and what they have planned to make it easier for us domainers in the future?