There seems to be some confusion here, so I set up a demo to clarify things.
Enom redirection passes through the non-domain part of the url....
It does handle everything, but it is up to the server that things are redirected if that results in a 404 error or not.
I set up to redirect to one server
and to go to another
one has a rule to handle and page names sent it it and the other does not, so for the first you get the 404 error and for the second you get a page, not matter what you put to the right of the domain name. In doint this I did notice some issues with the enom redirect, but they do not relate to this issue directly.
Enom handles the redirect, includeing whatever is to the right of the domain name in the url, but it is up to the server to handle the request, as enom just passes it through.
So the question, of how to make it serve something for any page, that being the url stripped of all but the protocol/domain part, applies to the server end not the enom end. You need to set up the web server the request winds up at to handle requests for any page/url sent to it.
PS, Thanks for the greeting , I am hoping I will have more time to be online again finally.