enom subaccounts seem to be redirected to enomcentral.com, which looks exactly the same as enom.com, as far as I can see.
"Destination: 7,000,000 domains
As we get closer to 7,000,000 domain names under our credential, eNom is preparing an exciting announcement and special thank you offer exclusively for our direct ETP resellers. Check this page often for the latest reseller news and promotions."
anybody know what the 'exciting' announcement is likely to be and what is up with enom?
"Destination: 7,000,000 domains
As we get closer to 7,000,000 domain names under our credential, eNom is preparing an exciting announcement and special thank you offer exclusively for our direct ETP resellers. Check this page often for the latest reseller news and promotions."
anybody know what the 'exciting' announcement is likely to be and what is up with enom?