very interestingcrabby..
does this mean that if you were to register a domain you would HAVE to take the associated telephone number ?
seems like brilliant "bundling" idea.. but we have seen that people prefer ala carte ..
For example .. I have cable, telephone and internet bundled for a !5 discount.. these pieces obviousely are not "bond" by any technology so we will skip that for a moment.. my point is simply that even though this bundling can save you a fair amount each month is only used by around this company that provides it only has a a little better tha 20% sign up.. the message from this is people prefer ala-carte.. let them pick the services they want instead of putting it altogether and saying this is how it is...
Is this a consideration that is addressed somewhere? I only briefed the first page of your link.
one address for everything..or let me pick what I want for an address for each service ..?