Can I pre-register a .eu domain with EURid?
Not at the moment. EURid has currently not yet accredited any .eu registrars through whom official requests for registration of a .eu domain name can be introduced.
Before starting the registrations for the .eu TLD a number of important steps still need to be taken. First of all, EURid will need to sign an agreement with the European Commission.
Only then a network of registrars can be developed through whom applications for the registration of .eu domain names can be introduced.
Once .eu registrars are accredited they are allowed to accept pre-registrations for their customers. At the start of the live registrations, they will introduce their pre-registrations in the automated systems of EURid for processing. In case certain domain names are pre-registered several times, the automated systems will determine on a "first come, first served" basis which pre-registration will eventually lead to a definitive registration (the huge load of simultaneous applications will also generate a randomising effect).
There will first be a sunrise period to allow public bodies and holders of certain prior rights to register their names. The sunrise period will consist of two consecutive phases each lasting two months. The start of the "sunrise period" will be announced by EURid well in advance in order to allow sufficient time for the introduction of the applications. In order to be informed about the latest information on the "sunrise period" it is recommended to pay a visit to the main site of EURid at r
egular times.