Not everyone has time to read every little rules you write you know.
Short answer - Yes, everyone Does.
If you have time to sign-up to DNF, you have time to Read the Rules. If you have time to create this complaint thread about yourself not following the rules - then you have time to read the rules.
You have been a member since 2005 and never thought you had to read or follow any rules? The rules have been posted since before 2005.
You have been a member since 2005 and never pick-up over the years on the fact you need a domain in title? It's posted all over this forum that you need a domain in title for the majority of sections.
You have been a member since 2005 and believe you are free to do whatever you want to someone elses forum? It's widely known DCG owns this forum.
You have been a member since 2005 and you act like this?
I hope now you have a better understanding of being part of a community - respect the rules and they will respect you.
Like myself, it goes to show Everyone is Forever a Newbie - and you always learn something new everyday (which is often better late than never).
Best of Luck & Success in All your Endeavours!