Hi. As our expired domain name auction tool for SNapNames (Moniker aftermarket) is getting quite popular, we have added tons of new statistics that might help you pick valuable domain names for bargain prices.
expired domain list
Our daily updated list table now contains:
1. Domain Name
2. Number of bids
3. Current bid
4. Pagerank
5. Pagerank validity factor - in % (anything over 50% is valid pagerank, domains with 30-50% factor are probably valid, but pagerank will probably decrease over time)
6. Alexa rank 3 months average
7. Alexa rank 7 days average
8. Yahoo backlinks (all - both dofollow and nofollow)
9. Google backlinks (these are dofollow, but google doesn't show all)
10. PPC max - estimated PPC for detected keywords - sometime helps
11. US traffic in % (from Alexa)
12. HQ traffic - total US, CA, UK, DE, JP traffic. I know, there are other high quality traffic countries, but they mostly doesn't have significant amount of visitors)
13. Domain age
14. Auction ends
Domains are in subcategories
a) most active auctions (those with bids)
b) high paying keyword domains -> Loan/Finance, Insurance, Healthcare, Investment, Law, Gambling, Real estate
c) short domains -> LLL / LLLL, NNN / NNNN / NNNNN, 3 character L&N, L-L / N-N / L-N / N-L
We have also added valid pagerank checker with some cool stats
It's quite slow as we get data from sites with bad response. But we're gonna significantly improve this.
valid pagerank checker
Also we have RSS feed for SnapNames and Godaddy auctions, separate RSS feed for each subcategory and top category feeds.
Expired domain RSS feed
For those who have domainer or webmaster blogs and sites, we have added cool SnapNames widget so you can earn decent money from your traffic:
SnapNames affiliate tool
Also we are optimizing scripts so we'll have much more domains checked daily soon
expired domain list
Hope you ENJOY it.
Please leave a feedback if you like our site, or you have any suggestions what to improve. I really appriciate any help to improve my tool. Thank you.
expired domain list
Our daily updated list table now contains:
1. Domain Name
2. Number of bids
3. Current bid
4. Pagerank
5. Pagerank validity factor - in % (anything over 50% is valid pagerank, domains with 30-50% factor are probably valid, but pagerank will probably decrease over time)
6. Alexa rank 3 months average
7. Alexa rank 7 days average
8. Yahoo backlinks (all - both dofollow and nofollow)
9. Google backlinks (these are dofollow, but google doesn't show all)
10. PPC max - estimated PPC for detected keywords - sometime helps
11. US traffic in % (from Alexa)
12. HQ traffic - total US, CA, UK, DE, JP traffic. I know, there are other high quality traffic countries, but they mostly doesn't have significant amount of visitors)
13. Domain age
14. Auction ends
Domains are in subcategories
a) most active auctions (those with bids)
b) high paying keyword domains -> Loan/Finance, Insurance, Healthcare, Investment, Law, Gambling, Real estate
c) short domains -> LLL / LLLL, NNN / NNNN / NNNNN, 3 character L&N, L-L / N-N / L-N / N-L
We have also added valid pagerank checker with some cool stats
It's quite slow as we get data from sites with bad response. But we're gonna significantly improve this.
valid pagerank checker
Also we have RSS feed for SnapNames and Godaddy auctions, separate RSS feed for each subcategory and top category feeds.
Expired domain RSS feed
For those who have domainer or webmaster blogs and sites, we have added cool SnapNames widget so you can earn decent money from your traffic:
SnapNames affiliate tool
Also we are optimizing scripts so we'll have much more domains checked daily soon
expired domain list
Hope you ENJOY it.
Please leave a feedback if you like our site, or you have any suggestions what to improve. I really appriciate any help to improve my tool. Thank you.