Andrew Allemann
Is it getting ready to expand its corporate offerings?
Facebook has registered a handful of domain names suggesting it’s working on a service called WorkPlace…or a rebrand.
The social media company registered the domain names facebookworkplace.com, fbworkplace.com, workplacebyfacebook.com and workplacebyfb.com, along with these domains in other extensions, yesterday.
Facebook already has a service called Facebook at Work, which looks a lot like Slack.
Perhaps Facebook is getting ready to double down on solutions for companies? Earlier this year, Slack raised $200 million at a $3.8 billion valuation, so there’s clearly a market for corporate collaboration tools.
Facebook also just won a UDRP for Facebookwork.com.
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Facebook has registered a handful of domain names suggesting it’s working on a service called WorkPlace…or a rebrand.
The social media company registered the domain names facebookworkplace.com, fbworkplace.com, workplacebyfacebook.com and workplacebyfb.com, along with these domains in other extensions, yesterday.
Facebook already has a service called Facebook at Work, which looks a lot like Slack.
Perhaps Facebook is getting ready to double down on solutions for companies? Earlier this year, Slack raised $200 million at a $3.8 billion valuation, so there’s clearly a market for corporate collaboration tools.
Facebook also just won a UDRP for Facebookwork.com.

© DomainNameWire.com 2016. This is copyrighted content. Domain Name Wire full-text RSS feeds are made available for personal use only, and may not be published on any site without permission. If you see this message on a website, contact copyright (at) domainnamewire.com.
Latest domain news at DNW.com: Domain Name Wire.
The post Facebook registers domain names for WorkPlace service appeared first on Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News & Views.
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