OK, so I had a domain of mine stolen a brief while ago and transferred to Godaddy. Godaddy won't return it, even though I purchased the domain from a court-appointed trustee who is willing to verify the sale, and the thief who stole it used his real name and address, and in an email to me the thief admitted taking it. Apparently, conclusive and definitive prima facie evidence of theft is not sufficient for godaddy to look into the situation.
So I decided to report the theft to the Internet Fraud Complaint Center of the FBI. Does anyone have any experience with dealing with the FBI for intangible property? Do I have a snowballs chance in hell of them recovering it?
So I decided to report the theft to the Internet Fraud Complaint Center of the FBI. Does anyone have any experience with dealing with the FBI for intangible property? Do I have a snowballs chance in hell of them recovering it?