I asked , because I'm not sure about a price.
For some of them I received $15K offers for some $100.
Honestly I was shocked by $100 offer
Some guy from Thailand was looking for luck...
Too big difference between these two numbers and I'm sure that the highest one in not the limit, for some names at least.
Last bulk offer I received was for fifty names , $800 each.
What do you think the highest possible price for bulk offer for now ?
And what is the highest price for one acronyms/abbreviations LLLL for now ?
I had never sold four letters domains yet.
I think the price hits the ceiling now.
Sell 150 and keep 50 or 100/100.
You bought them cheap so you have nothing to lose.
Thanks for the opinion.
As for cheap... not exactly, some of them I bought several years ago for couple thousands.
And yes, some of them were really cheap.
Need to find the golden mean.