I would think that this topic has been brought up before, but I have not seen it specifically discussed, so I thought this would be as good a place as any.
The trend these days seems to be to develop and market a given site and grow it organically. Great if you have the time, energy and funds to do it. Not so great if you don't.
A few years back, some folks realized that it was pretty darned expensive to own and operate a jet. From that, the concept of fractionalized ownership of jet aircraft began, where several folks could own a single asset and use it on an as available basis.
The parallel to a domain is a bit harder to make, but I think that the concept still stands. Clearly, there are some issues to overcome in doing something like this with a domain, but I still think it is a worthy idea to consider.
Say you are a casual domainer, you focus in one or two $100 sales every month or two. You don't have the cash to buy a "huge" name, but you would like to be part of one and benefit in some way from the work and effort you put into the site.
So, the question I put out to others reading this, how could you do it in a way that is legal, fair, equitable and workable for a large community?
I think that doing a fractional name ownership plan for a domain makes sense... Think about if you were involved in an eBay at a very early stage in the process? What would the value of your original expenditure be worth today?
One other thought, say you had a focused niche in mind that applied to a huge demographic, if you have 10 people pitching a site, that's great, but if you have 10,000 or more interested people pitching a site, that's brilliant.
I obviously have a site in mind for this post and I'll share it if there are some great responses here.
So, any other thoughts on this?
Benjamin Franklin is quoted as saying "We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately." during the Continental Congress just prior to signing the Declaration of Independence in 1776.
The trend these days seems to be to develop and market a given site and grow it organically. Great if you have the time, energy and funds to do it. Not so great if you don't.
A few years back, some folks realized that it was pretty darned expensive to own and operate a jet. From that, the concept of fractionalized ownership of jet aircraft began, where several folks could own a single asset and use it on an as available basis.
The parallel to a domain is a bit harder to make, but I think that the concept still stands. Clearly, there are some issues to overcome in doing something like this with a domain, but I still think it is a worthy idea to consider.
Say you are a casual domainer, you focus in one or two $100 sales every month or two. You don't have the cash to buy a "huge" name, but you would like to be part of one and benefit in some way from the work and effort you put into the site.
So, the question I put out to others reading this, how could you do it in a way that is legal, fair, equitable and workable for a large community?
I think that doing a fractional name ownership plan for a domain makes sense... Think about if you were involved in an eBay at a very early stage in the process? What would the value of your original expenditure be worth today?
One other thought, say you had a focused niche in mind that applied to a huge demographic, if you have 10 people pitching a site, that's great, but if you have 10,000 or more interested people pitching a site, that's brilliant.
I obviously have a site in mind for this post and I'll share it if there are some great responses here.
So, any other thoughts on this?
Benjamin Franklin is quoted as saying "We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately." during the Continental Congress just prior to signing the Declaration of Independence in 1776.