I'll pass on the domain, but it's a good question.
I to dabblein the business when I started to build web sites, and realized the power of a great domain, and how the trade works.
A couple of years later I got married, and just before the wedding my wife was diagnosed as terminally ill and went on disability. Also, my job at a startup was getting sketchy with mass layoffs. Got much more into domaining because of the flexible hours so I couple be with my wife when she needed me to be there.
2 1/2 years later she recovered, became a self-centered evil person (which often happens in situations like that), went in shopping sprees, cleaned out the join bank account, forged documents taking my name off the real estate, hired lawyers, filed for divorce, and tried to take 100% of the domain business. Dragged eNom into the fight with her fraudulant claims, had to get a judge to deal with eNom's lawyers. I fought in court, got the domains back in trade for letting her keep everything she stole, could afford to press charges on the perjury and forgery charges. Got laid off from the regular job, and became a full time domainer.
And that's the SHORT version of the story!