I'm just letting you know that you are heading in the wrong direction. You are either going to have to rethink what you are doing, or you will just spin your wheels and rationalize your poor choices. The .co extension is a scam. Just because some people in the industry trade in the worthless extension does not mean it is legitimate.
What you are doing is trying to rationalize garbage. If someone is dating a supermodel, there might be someone else who suggests that an overweight, unattractive, and mean woman is the way to go. After all, they are both human beings, so what's the difference? And besides, the competition is too strong and there are only so many supermodels, so why not date someone that nobody else wants? Well, if that is your gameplan then I say "Go for it". But don't try to act like they are in the same universe. One is in demand, and is attractive to almost everybody, whereas the other is not in demand, and desired by just a few.
You only get one shot in life, so whatever areas you spend your time should at least be where you pursue excellence. This is not like a musical preference, where someone might like Country Music, and another person likes Heavy Metal. Those are differences of opinion and taste, and that is what makes the world a fun place.
You are making a huge mistake, but it is your right to make mistakes. Do you think you could compete in the job market if you had an Associates Degree when everyone else had a Masters Degree? Would you rather be a 6 foot tall male or a 5 foot tall male? If you were trying to get a date would you want to be Tom Brady or Peyton Manning? Life is tough enough, and there are many things you cannot control, but you can avoid making certain terrible decisions in lots of areas.
Faulty logic usually brings with it a bad result.