Enom includes:
10 page website
Web/URL Forwarding
IP pointing
email catch-all
email forwarding
Real-time DNS updates
Push names to others
change whois instantly
auto name renewal
and a lot more . . .
10-page web site-ever used it? I have, it sucks. That's why it's free, Very limited.
Web/URL forwarding-yeah it's free, with a $29 registration
IP POinting-HUH?
email catch-all-who doesn't offer this?
email forwarding-wow, i hope your isp's or hotmail account is dependable
Real-Time DNS Updates-LMAO, whos isn't.
Subdomains-this is cool!
Push names to others-again, whatever that means
Change WHOIS-great, that'll get me to pay 30 bucks for a domain
auto renewal-they would be dumb not to.
and a lot more......well tell me.......
All of this "appearent" extra stuff (junk) doesn't cut it for me. I have just transferred my names from Enom to Go Daddy
. I hear people in here talking about the extra fees at Go Daddy....its ridiculous. Their support is good, cost is AWESOME. You can even write to Bob Parsons (the president of the company) if you want to. My experience (1year) with Enom is what you'd expect from a company who advertises all this free stuff, and you use maybe one feature (forwarding). Oh, my bad, I forgot the WHOIS is updated instantly. :laugh: :laugh:
I just want some people to learn about Enom, it's not what they want you to think it is. Essentially, every registrar has the same overhead, they are going to make the same amount off of you no matter what kind of "JUNK" they offer for free. Unless you're Verisign, they just plain rape you!!!
BTW-I really enjoy this forum, there are some pretty intelligent people here!