I don't like the name. Not many human beings use the term Gasoline. It is GAS....always has been. The whole point of the name game is common usage. The percentage of the time that the word gasoline is uttered or typed by humans compared to gas has to be under one percent. In fact, I can't remember hearing someone say gasoline. This name doesn't give anybody a competitive advantage, I wouldn't think. Even if you had a name like GasolinePrices.com, you can see the problem immediately. It is awkward. GasolinePrices.com would have very little value compared to GasPrices.com. For that very reason Gasoline.info is worth very little in my mind.
I probably wouldn't even register it, and I will tell you why. Say I registered Gasoline.info for nothing, or under $10. Now what? It won't make PPC because there will be zero type-in traffic. So, now it will sit there and cost me $10 per year to renew, and the likelihood of getting an unsolicited offer for Gasoline.info is essentially zero, so that means I have two choices. I can either try to sell it on the forums, or I can start a business with it. Both of those choices take time and effort, and there is no guarantee that the time and effort will lead to a payday, certainly not one that will justlify a lot of time and effort. There is a very real danger of spending a lot of time trying to sell it, and then only getting low XXX, if that. There is an even greater danger in starting a business with it, especially if you are not so passionate about gasoline.
It's biggest benefit is that there are enough people out there who don't understand what makes a name valuable, that they might get tricked into buying it for low XXX. But the problem still remains. It takes at least some time to find those people, and you will quickly use up that low XXX in man hours spent looking for the buyer. All of that effort for a potential small sale is not worth it. I know this because I have had thousands and thousands of names and most of my wasted was on the bad names, or the names that seemed like they had to be worth something, but really weren't.