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George Soros’ Open Society Institute Loses Domain Dispute

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DNF Regular
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Jan 24, 2004
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Great call... I Guess Old George will now have to pay 6-figs plus...LOL


George Soros’ Open Society Institute Loses Domain Dispute

Monday, September 6th, 2010

Foundation backed by George Soros loses arbitration for domain name.


Open Society Institute, a think tank and foundation founded by billionaire George Soros, has lost a domain name dispute over the domain OpenSociety .org.

The majority of the three person National Arbitration Forum found that the domain name wasn’t registered and used in bad faith. Two of the panelists found that the domain was confusingly similar to the Open Society Institute mark and that the owner didn’t have rights or legitimate interests in the domain name. One panelist, Neil Anthony Brown, found against Open Society Institute on all three UDRP factors.

The saving grace for the domain owner appears to be that he registered several other “open” domain names, including openeconomy .org, openpolitics .org, and openpolicy .org. This lends credence to the idea that he viewed the domain name as generic.
The respondent in the case did an informal survey to find out if people identified “Open Society” with Soros’ institute, and found that the majority did not.

Originally, Open Society Institute contacted the domain registrant about purchasing the domain name. The domain registrant responded that he would need a six figure offer to consider selling it. That triggered the UDRP filing.

Source with links to case



Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Don't forget Soros is the mofo who brought down the British pound in 1992 and has meddled with the world's economies many times over since. He's satan's poster child on earth.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2010
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Don't forget Soros is the mofo who brought down the British pound in 1992 and has meddled with the world's economies many times over since. He's satan's poster child on earth.

Yep and he Made $1 Billion in ONE DAY....


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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"Open Society" Isn't this a African Aid fund that Sorros set up?...... If it is, it's probably the only thing I would ever commend him for.

Don't forget Soros is the mofo who brought down the British pound in 1992 and has meddled with the world's economies many times over since. He's satan's poster child on earth.

He's also the mofo who pumped MILLIONS into getting Obama elected.

A mofo Liberal activist who now spends his time pulling strings of that puppet, who we call our President.

Great Story Dan....... Thanks for sharing.


DNF Regular
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Jan 24, 2004
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Acro...your right...

And he is planning on the US going all the way to its "knees"...and he is going try to and assist in this process as much as possible...and it already looks like he his "betting' its going to happen.

I do not know where he has moved the "bulk of his "investment money"....


January 2010 : He owned 85 Billion in US Equity's (stock of US companies primarily based in the USA)

March 2010: He owned 35 Billion in US Equity's

June 2010 He Owned 5.5 Billion in US Equity's

Makes you wonder if he does know something most people do not.

Reminds me of the 'line' in the movie; "wall street" ...when sheen and 'gekko' are in the 'locker room;...and gekko tells sheen..." alll battles are won before they are ever fought" ~ "I do throw darts at a dart board...'sport', I bet only on sure things"......

A bit scary.... this guy, I do not care what your "political philosophy" is...

(nice to see you post as always raider)

Bill Roy

Level 8
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Dec 5, 2005
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Actually this is a well thought out UDRP finding, and that is quite surprising in itself.

I think (hope might be a better word) that it shows that the greatest plans even of the most powerful can amount to nought if not based on solid foundations.


Level 8
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Jul 11, 2002
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Regardless of politics it's good to see Soros lose the UDRP . Important win for domain investor's rights IMO. Congrats to the domain owner for winning a huge battle.

As far as where Soro's money is going it looks like $700 million of it was donated to various causes this year. He just donated $100 million to Human Rights Watch. Sounds like he plans to give away even more due to his age.:

George Soros, the billionaire investor and philanthropist, plans to announce on Tuesday that he is giving $100 million to Human Rights Watch to expand the organization’s work globally. .......
Contrariness, however, is a hallmark of Mr. Soros, both as an investor and as a philanthropist. While others have held on to their money, he has made bigger gifts than ever. And he said in an interview that the gift to Human Rights Watch is the first of a series of large gifts that he plans to make.

“This is partly due to age,” said Mr. Soros, who celebrated his 80th birthday last month. “Originally I wanted to distribute all of the money during my lifetime, but I have abandoned that plan. My foundation should continue, but I still would like to do a lot of giving during my lifetime, and doing it this way, with such size, is a step in that direction.”

Last year, in the depths of the recession, Mr. Soros gave the Robin Hood Foundation, a charity that fights poverty in New York, a $50 million contribution that helped it raise significantly more than that amount. He also gave every family with children on welfare in New York State $200 to buy school supplies, a grant worth $35 million that enabled the state to gain access to some $175 million in federal money for which it would not otherwise have qualified.

So far this year, Mr. Soros has donated about $700 million to various causes, including the gift to Human Rights Watch. His hedge fund, Quantum Endowment, grew 29 percent in 2009, earning him $3.3 billion in fees and investment gains.

Full article:

It's always good to see wealthy people giving back to society no matter what their political affiliations may be. Seeing people like Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffet, and many other well to do individuals increase their charitable giving is very heart warming and encouraging. The world could always use more philanthropists like these.

This is a list of the top ten biggest philanthropists in the US in 2010:


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 8, 2010
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So the Open Society Institute contacts a domain owner to buy a domain, he names his price and since OSI doesn't want to pay that much it follows up will a UDRP filing. That's just pure greed. I wonder who gave OSI such a bad idea. It must not have been a good domain lawyer. Now they'll be paying and won't even get the name.

I think Soros like every other successful businessman can't be blamed for hedging his bets for or against the economy. There are tons of Wall St. folk who make money the way he does. At least he has an organization that supports charitable causes as well as local and global development.


DNF Regular
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Jan 24, 2004
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I could give a flying#$## about how much money this guy gives to anyone for any purpose ypou could name on earth..

Money from "Socialist ~ Marxist ~ Commies"... is not worth taking under any circumstances!...IMHO

He gives with one hand and then "takes' 100x more with the other...destroying peoples lives/countries in the process.

Best "donation" he could ever if he shoved ALLl his money up his %%$$.

Did not want this thread to political...but what are you going to do...

This will be my only reply to Mr. Saros.... being such a "Great Guy".


And in the meantime...if I own this would be "redirected' to the website "George" hates most in the world...until he went "mad'...maybe to just to a one page site with a photo of George Bush that covered the entire page.


Peace America!

How about everyone not forgetting to fly an "American Flag" in front of our homes...even if it is just for 9/11/2010 on Sat....

I am quite sure...'George' will be flying his proudly!


BTW: I do realize some on this board have theirs flying 24/7 etc... and I say Thank You.
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