cyphix said:
Sweet! Hope he gets what he deserves! :-D
I wish Microsoft would get what they deserve. Instead of wasting time going after kids, they should go after the root of the problem. The problem is, the general public doesn't realize what the root of the problem is. They believe this BS is just a normal part of computing, when in fact, it shouldn't even be possible. Microsoft made this BS possible, but the general public doesn't realize that. That's why they want to go after the kids instead of going after Microsoft to fix the root of the problem once and for all.
The solution is very simple. All Microsoft has to do is make Windows not run any remotely-accessible services by default. Then worms like Blaster and Sasser wouldn't be very effective since most users wouldn't be affected by them. I think it's very idiotic that Windows runs remotely-accessible services by default, especially when they've been proven to be vulnerable several times in the past. There is no need for most users to be running these services. How many worms is it going to take for Microsoft to learn their lesson?