This is the type of name that has very little value, but enough people will fall for it because they know that Gesture is a word, and Gesturing is a form of Gesture. It really doesn't make sense as far as names go. It would have to A) Get a lot of traffic, or B) Make for a good website. I don't see either happening, and I think that if you had this name for 40 years and didn't publicize it, that you would get zero email inquiries looking to buy it.
In my world it is worth zero (unless there is traffic that converts to $$$). I am sure others will think it is worth something, perhaps even something in the XXX range, but I wouldn't register it if I had the opportunity, because I have seen way too many of these names that almost make sense, but really offer no value proposition for PPC or future use as a website/business.
I understand all of the possibilites and I know what a gesture is, but even though I obviously recognize that it is a word, it still looks odd to see This name will cost you money before all is said and done because you will think about it, start threads about it, and otherwise wonder what the possibilities are, but as far as I am concerned this is a dud.
I am sure there will be higher appraisals than my ZERO, and there have definitely been worse names up for appraisal lately, so in that respect maybe this name has to have some sort of value, if only because there may be people who will at least pay something for a word, but I am sticking to my guns.