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Wanted: Website Go-Daddy names with type-in traffic. Loans, Real Estate, Insurance, Poker/Gambling

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Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 24, 2005
Reaction score
All I ask that at least a few human beings on planet earth type the name in each month. If you send names that cannot be sold to domaners for $100 today, then you shouldn't ask me to pay 2K for it.

If you would actually pay that price for the name if you didn't own it, then it is at least a fair attempt at a deal by you. If you ask for a price that you would never pay yourself, or that you would never suggest to someone you cared about to pay, then you are over-pricing the name.

A fair price is one in which the seller has a little remorse about losing the name, and the buyer has a little regret about spending the cash, but both are satisfied with the deal.

Far too many people are looking to slaughter the buyer with a lopsided deal.
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Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
If these are the types of domains that you are expecting people to offer you ... "By definition, you have exhausted all attempts to sell the name and haven't yet", then it's no wonder you get annoyed when they are asking $2K for them.

But why don't you specifically ask for these types of domains and set your budget, way below $2K?

Folk will have a better idea of what you expect, and the $2K offers will disappear.




Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
Type in traffic domains are worth more than $50 anywhere.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
@WHODATDOG Why don't YOU post a few examples of domains you own along your criteria that ARE worth $50 bucks to you and some that are WORTH $2K to you :)
Gives US an idea.


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 24, 2005
Reaction score
I paid 50K for a name before. And 30K for another. I sold both for a profit. I have also paid 5 bucks for names. I have paid from low XX to mid XXX on thse recent threads, though I have made offers of low X,XXX on some. All I am asking is for people to send me a name with a price that they would actually pay themselves if they didn't own the name. On this thread I am asking for type-ins because far too many people are sending me names that don't even make sense and asking for serious money, and these categories in particular will get lots of worthless names sent to me if I don't mention type-ins......even if it is 10 per month.

The bottom line is that the seller knows that nobody has come asking for his wishing price in the years he has had it, and he has more information than me about what type of offers he has have had, so you need to send a name that actually has value. By value, I mean, how much is it worth right now? Not in a perfect world with end-user prices. The value now is the value it would have if it showed up in a thread and 15-20 reasonably experienced domainers saw the name. How much would it sell for? That is the minimum value.

99 percent of people overrate their names. People ask others to pay prices that they would never in a million years pay.

---------- Post added at 10:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:50 AM ----------

Type in traffic domains are worth more than $50 anywhere.

In those categories I want at least a few human beings to type the name in. Many names I get have never been typed in by an upright human.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hi WhoDatDog,

Nobody is having a go at you, or trying to take advantage, but your listings are very general with wide budgets.

Make more postings that are more specific, instead of generalising.

I've also sold domain names in excess of $50,000 and many in the low to mid $xx,xxx range. I've also bought domains in the low $xx,xxx range, but there are two sides to domain name buying and selling deals. Yes, most sellers overvalue their domains, because they know that the buyers are going to chip them on the price. But most buyers also undervalue domains. Each party is attempting to get the best cash value for their part of the transaction, wether that's buying or selling.

Buyers and sellers can both decide to accept what's being offered, negotiate the price or ignore the offer altogether. I much prefer a buyer to tell me that my price is too high, than ignore me, because I can then decide wether to reduce the price, or to thank them for their reply.

You can't ask people to only offer you domains for the same price that they would be prepared to pay for them, because if that's what they were prepared to pay for the domain - and they already own it - why would they be selling it?

I would never have paid in excess of $50,000 for the domain name I sold at that price, but someone else was obviously prepared to pay that amount. If I had sold them the domain at the price I was prepared to pay for it, I would have received more than $50,000 less for it.

Make your posts more specific, even if you have to make lots of them. Then people will know exactly what you are looking for, and if you require any traffic or revenue with the domains and have an idea of what price they should pitch their domains at.

Intended as constructive advice.




Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
I paid 50K for a name before. And 30K for another. I sold both for a profit. I have also paid 5 bucks for names. I have paid from low XX to mid XXX on thse recent threads, though I have made offers of low X,XXX on some. All I am asking is for people to send me a name with a price that they would actually pay themselves if they didn't own the name. On this thread I am asking for type-ins because far too many people are sending me names that don't even make sense and asking for serious money, and these categories in particular will get lots of worthless names sent to me if I don't mention type-ins......even if it is 10 per month.

The bottom line is that the seller knows that nobody has come asking for his wishing price in the years he has had it, and he has more information than me about what type of offers he has have had, so you need to send a name that actually has value. By value, I mean, how much is it worth right now? Not in a perfect world with end-user prices. The value now is the value it would have if it showed up in a thread and 15-20 reasonably experienced domainers saw the name. How much would it sell for? That is the minimum value.

99 percent of people overrate their names. People ask others to pay prices that they would never in a million years pay.

---------- Post added at 10:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:50 AM ----------

In those categories I want at least a few human beings to type the name in. Many names I get have never been typed in by an upright human.

Still haven't answered my question.

@WHODATDOG Why don't YOU post a few examples of domains you own along your criteria that ARE worth $50 bucks to you and some that are WORTH $2K to you
Gives US an idea.


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 24, 2005
Reaction score
I am putting up threads and getting names sent. There is no harm in that. I bought two names off of you last week, too. Everybody knows what is going on. The people with decent names are asking for prices that they can't possibly get anywhere right now.

Or, they are going over their list and figuring out which names they really don't want and then "taking a shot". None of this bothers me. The bottom line is that I am buying names of all price ranges, so that is the only requirement. If you send names of value then I will recognize that and make an offer if I feel there is a reasonable chance I can make a profit.

The requirement is to send a name that is priced right. Or, you can sit around and try to sell it in a thread and get zero for it. If anybody wants to list a name that they have offered me, and the price they have offered it at, then feel free to post it here in the thread.

Put me to the test. Let the world know which names I have passed up and at what price. If you aren't prepared to tell the world how stupid I was for not buying a certain name, then maybe you are over-valuing your name.

There is not a single good name that I have passed up where anybody could claim they could get that price today in a thread at Dn Forum. So, either figure it out, or don't figure it out.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
I paid 50K for a name before. And 30K for another. I sold both for a profit. I have also paid 5 bucks for names. I have paid from low XX to mid XXX on thse recent threads, though I have made offers of low X,XXX on some. All I am asking is for people to send me a name with a price that they would actually pay themselves if they didn't own the name. On this thread I am asking for type-ins because far too many people are sending me names that don't even make sense and asking for serious money, and these categories in particular will get lots of worthless names sent to me if I don't mention type-ins......even if it is 10 per month.

The bottom line is that the seller knows that nobody has come asking for his wishing price in the years he has had it, and he has more information than me about what type of offers he has have had, so you need to send a name that actually has value. By value, I mean, how much is it worth right now? Not in a perfect world with end-user prices. The value now is the value it would have if it showed up in a thread and 15-20 reasonably experienced domainers saw the name. How much would it sell for? That is the minimum value.

99 percent of people overrate their names. People ask others to pay prices that they would never in a million years pay.

---------- Post added at 10:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:50 AM ----------

In those categories I want at least a few human beings to type the name in. Many names I get have never been typed in by an upright human.

Still haven't answered my question.

@WHODATDOG Why don't YOU post a few examples of domains you own along your criteria that ARE worth $50 bucks to you and some that are WORTH $2K to you
Gives US an idea.

Oh and for a guy selling names in the $50,000 and $30,000 range I find it odd you would fussing about looking for $50 names.
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Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 24, 2005
Reaction score
My types? I might be the only one who tried to run out the scammers who pumped their fake sales with dotmobi and other horseshit. There are no disputes with any deals I have done, and I joined in 2005.

I will give you some examples of names I have bought during the last month.


I bought about 80 names so far. The above names are all names that someone might possibly want, and they are names that could be part of a website or business. A few have many potential end-users, but that still doesn't mean that they are worth a ton on money on Dn Forum. They are names that have value, and give me a chance to get one or two good sales in the next year or two.

For names that are alot better than I listed, people are asking for prices that would put me in a no-win situation. If I pay thousands for a name, then I should at least be able to sell it for 1K today at Dn Forum. How is a name worth thousands of dollars if I couldn't get 1K right now in a thread?

The most knowledgable domainers in the world look at threads here, so I don't see how someone can value their names at 5-10 times what they could possibly expect to get if they listed it right now.

If you buy a pair of jeans at a clothing store for $80, the clothing store probably paid $30 for it. If the clothing store paid $80 they would go bankrupt. There is a going rate for retail and a going rate for wholesale. But no matter what, those jeans could be sold for $30. That is their minimum value.

If a name cannot be sold here today for any price, then I highly doubt it is worth 50 bucks. Just ask yourself if a reasable domainer would rather have the cash or the name. When the names are priced right you actually have to think about the transaction.

Most people price their names so that they would be doing cartwheels if someone paid those prices. That is not a fair deal. A fair deal is one where someone gives up something of value for something of similar value......domains for cash.
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DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 4, 2002
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FYI: from WhoDatDog's "Domains Wanted" threads, I have sold him four domains in the past couple of months (including two of the ones he listed in the previous post). Our negotiations resulted in prices where he was getting a good value but I was also getting a reasonable amount of cash for promising-but-not-killer domains that I'd caught cheaply on drops. Good guy to deal with.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
I also got a better idea of what you are trying to buy.

Deleted member 5660

WHODATDOG is some kind of nut case teenager who thinks he is a domain expert. he is going around disruting sales threads and sending harassing messages. Below is message he just sent me and he left me retaliatory negative feedback. Time to ban this guy:

quote from WHODATDOG: "Your names suck. You are a spammer here with your absolutely horrific names. Pitiful, meaningless horseshit is what you have. If you thought they were any good you would take constructive criticism. The names are terrible. Just like you."

I never had any transactions with this clown. He needs to be banned.


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Sep 24, 2005
Reaction score
Keyword Factory is a liar. I left him that message after he gave me a negative trader rating AND sent me a negative PM cursing me after I asked him what his dumbass name meant. He deserved far worse than that, for giving someone a negative trader rating because they asked a question. He is the one who should be banned, as he just stated that we have NEVER done a deal, and YET he left me a negative trader rating because I asked him a question. Check the date and time on the trader ratings and you will see how low this pathetic creature who pushes rotten product has gone. How God-awful must your names be, if you are going to post a negative trader rating on someone who asks a question...lol?

Keyword Factory is a joke. He gave me a negative trader rating and we have never done a deal (two of them...lol). He had the BALLS to list some pitiful name in a sales thread and ask for $349 for it. It is not even a word........Mechani.com. So, I put up a post asking what it meant. I took the post down before anyone else could possibly see it, but monkey boy from the factory of lousy names must have seen that I said something.

He makes up words and then lists them in threads. All of his names suck. Go ahead and look at them. When someone asks him what the hell it means he gives them a negative trader rating. He is a lowlife so watch out. Check out his names and you will laugh your ass off. Total junk pile stuff that he pulls out of his ass.

I will gladly take two negative trader ratings from him, as long as the two I got to leave in return remain. Everyone knows I do fair deals. This guy tries to push garbage year after year after year, and then once someone asks what the garbage means, he leaves a negative trader rating. That just goes to show you that not only is he a horrible judge of domain names, but he is willing to jeopardize someone else's business by posting a negative trader rating when no deal was ever done.

He is very reckless and that proves it. He usually sells names he is about to delete and tells people....."must be transfered out"....lol. Check out his threads if you want to puke.

I will probably stop buying names because of guys like Keyword Factory. They spam the sales threads for years on end, offering absolute dogshit names and nobody says a word. You can have people like him. He offers nothing but bad names at even worse prices.
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Deleted member 5660

This nut case ramblings get longer and longer. He posted one of these rambling messages in my sales thread and he got a negative rating like he should. Now he is trying to lie about it but the mods have access to the messages that get deleted so I don't think he will get too far with his claims.
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