Seriously -- a lot of the smart, successful people I know think the US is entering a severe long term financial and social meltdown, and it's about time to get the hell out.
All the things that productive people want are no longer here: good public education, infrastructure (systems of roads, water, sewer, power, fuel), parks, law enforcement, low taxes, fair competition.
All the things that human parasites want are on the rise: massive welfare and entitlement programs, little enforcement of welfare and insurance fraud, little punishment for serious crimes, stiff tax penalties for getting a raise or being moderately successful, etc etc.
Thanks to the Iraq war and prior debts, the REAL estimates of our national debt is now $175,000 for every man, woman, and child, which is perticularly pathetic because we've just come through the wealthiest decade because of the stick market and real estate bubble. Americans are literally spending their children and grandchildrens' money.
The refusal to stop illegal immigration will be the final nail in the coffin. American taxpayers will spend (actually, we'll BORROW) $55,000 in social services per illegal alien, 15 million are here already, with 2 million more arriving per year. If amnesty ("guest worker program") passes, we could be looking at an influx of 5 to 15 million new poverty stricken people per year. This WILL sink the economy and drive the nation into 3rd world conditions.
I do a lot of group travel (with Americans), and went to New Zealand 3 weeks ago (
MY PHOTOS). Like most trips, some people openly stated they are looking to leave the USA. They not only want to get the hell out personally, but the US dollar is going to plummet against other world currency, especially as China ramps up and their demand pushes oil past the $10, then $20 price per gallon.