Originally posted by machine
Why do people bother posting appraisals if they already 'know' their domains 'true worth'?
'Hey guys please appraise my domain but I'll only believe people who say it's worth over $1000. Anyone who says less doesn't know what they're talking about blah blah blah' - this seems to be the real reason for appraisal request recently
Meh...I like it! U guys don't know what ya talkin about!
Very true, DP. If they had come here and asked for an appraisal for thehun.com or al4a.com as porn names they would have gotten a big fat goose egg from the crowd. They put alot of work into those sites and are dominant in their niche.Originally posted by DomainPairs
...On the positive side, you could use it to create a porn identity. That takes time and effort, so you have to believe in the name to do this.
Originally posted by Gail
Hey "M" guys (mud, machine, mind), lighten up.
I do believe the "" indicates a certain amount of self-deprecating humor...as is "rats, that isn't what I wanted to hear"
But, hey - I could be all wrong...NOT! :laugh:
(Oh, since this is the appraisal section - $0, who the hell is going to type that in - or even remember how it is spelled? (sorry))
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