my favs:
âCybersquattingâ refers to the practice of registering Web site domain names solely for the purpose of reselling those names to brand- or trademark-holders who require the domain to conduct effective business online.
There also has been a two-fold increase in the number of registered .com domain names since 2003, an indicator of how problematic cybersquatting has become.
Recent research indicated that cybersquatting increased 248 percent during 2006 alone.
check your 'indicator' again!
and please... change the word 'cybersquatting' to somethin' else...
Here's why...
Cyber = Web
Squatting = to occupy (property) as a squatter (
Now, let's look at the word 'squatter'
Squatter = a person who settles on land or occupies property without title, right, or payment of rent (
Hm. I remember paying my dues annually.. So why 'squatters' - were owners and landlords of the web. BIG DIFFERENCE!
If you register, or registered a Typo/TM domain, then it should be called typosquatting, tmsquatting, squattingtm, or somethin' else.
Squatting, because you don't have the right to this name, brand, mark, land, etc..
what is 'cyber' have to do with it...
Phishing, another Internet fraud often associated with cybersquaters, cost U.S. consumers $198.44 million during 2006 (figures from the Internet Crime Complaint Center).
Phishing is a crime, so this is bad IMO