Hundreds of millions of people around the globe do not read or speak English and hence there&
#8217;s a clear need and interest by many governments to make Internet accessible to their non-English speaking citizens. This can only happen if these natives have the web content available to them in their respective local languages. This is a fact and there&
#8217;s no denying it. Now, if one really thinks about it logically and objectively, the only scenario that makes sense for this purpose is to have the ENTIRE web content including the URLs and domain names in local language characters. Therefore, the domains desired and required for this purpose would be in *IDN.IDN* format; i.e. both elements on either side of the dot constituting a domain being in native language characters. In fact, in order to meet its citizen's needs, this is exactly what China has recently done under its existing authority to manage its ccTLD; it has successfully created and implemented true IDN sub-domains (under .CN) where ALL characters of the URL are in Chinese language characters. All the current gTLDs (.com, .net, etc) themselves are in *ENGLISH* characters and do not have any inherent meanings in most native languages. It simply goes against the logic and common sense to believe that at the end what non-English speaking natives around the globe would be using is a local language word/term coupled with an English-based TLD on the right of the dot. So, the need, demand, and future of having non-English based access to the Internet for a multitude of native language speakers is obvious but the only logical and practical way of doing so is having the domains in *IDN.IDN* format. As far as ** or ** etc are concerned with all their recent hoopla, all one needs to do is pause, think and then decide whether its likely to be a speculative euphoria or the real thing that would ultimately be in use to provide Internet access to scores of millions of non-English speaking folks on the planet.
BTW, no need for IDN enthusiasts to jump up and down and be sarcastic as I&
#8217;m just stating my thoughts and opinions&
#8230;.If I happen to be wrong, it'd be all gold for you, if not you and those listening to you would be the ones left holding the bag at the end !