Viacom, which owns MTV and Paramount Pictures, has alleged that YouTube is guilty of massive copyright infringement.
so what the hell does this have to do with users viewing habits? if the issue is copyright infingment, its an issue of uploading either with youtube or with the people who upload the videos, not viewing. Since i'm sure youtube has some type of clause such as "although we do our best to see that no such material is uplaoded, we are not liable for copyright material users upload to our site, etc" Therefore, probably Viacom would want the records for potentially filing suits with groups or individuals i assume.
but I dont see how this has anything at all to do with 'viewing' and what peoples watching habits are. google is not concerned with privacy in any event. they will undoubtedly sell the virtual world down the river. larry and balki were at the bilderberg meeting last month. wonder what they all talked about.