I do not understand why some cry on TYPO domains, and why people own such domains are called "squatters".
When it is known to the world that there is an opportunity, why cry? protect your domain name by registering all possible typos and avoid the fuss!
There are many things that are unethical as many of us feel like Casino's, Horse racing etc, for that matter anything gambling is a risk, many lives lost, many families broke etc etc. This is dangerous not the TYPO domains.
Aren't people making millions by suing other people/companies using a small loop hole or holes? likewise typo domains are a loop hole too. The issue is public, it is better to shut the window of opportunity or probability and to minimize the possibility of damage right from the start.
If I own xyzz.com, I will see that I also own xyxx.com and so on and so forth, do I say that I have legal right to force the owner of xyz.com to sell it to me, otherwise I file a WIPO complaint!!
Funny it's stupid
Apart from all the above, when one is making money out of a typo domain and when approached or sued by the rightful owner of the real domain, I think they have to pay a fair price for the typo in question(
It is the price for keeping the window of opportunity open allowing people to register their typos)
In reverse owner of the typo domain should be ready to loose his investment when SUED! you know from the bottom of your heart right from the start that your investment in the typo in question might push you into great loss. You took the risk you loose it.
Point is this has become an Industry of it's own kind, It's time to legislate keeping in mind the interests of both parties. Not one sided saying TYPO owners SQUATTER's, it is just not right.
When there is an opportunity people do pursue it, after all buying typo domains is not a sin or crime! is it?
I have just put in my opinion here as a member of general public who look for opportunities in general. My theory is when something is available to you to purchase it legally using the systems in place, you are legally entitled to own it. Further issues/complications must be solved cordially.