Cute, but I'm waiting for the Google Critique service for GMail -
Since Google understands the search habits, buying habits and mailing habits of its users among so much other data it compiles, I'm looking for their email system to do a specific analysis of an outbound message and return with suggestions as to how to improve the message so as to make the message better convey what the sender was attempting to relate to the receiver.
In this way, people will no longer actually have to think about what they are sending to others, as Google will adjust the message accordingly specifically for the sender on their behalf.
Gets "adjusted" by Google Critique to:
Dear Mike,
I guess you must have found something after spending the better part of 4 hours searching variations of "pron" on G today. Do the folks at the office know you use their systems this way? They are totally going to snag you doing that one day.
Also, I really hope you enjoy those great new spatulas I learned that you purchased over at Spatula City through Froogle (and what a great deal you got, you dog you!)
Speaking of dogs, you probably should check out for some great deals on flea spray, cause I know you want to keep those pesky fleas off your dog Pete.
I heard you were searching for information on Rita today. Funny, I was also thinking about Rita Smith today too.
Well, gotta run, but please stay in touch - I really value these exchanges and look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Your bud,
Yep, I'm sure waiting for Google Critique, soon to be followed by GMail Reply...