You know if you lock your door before you leave your home, there is less chance of someone breaking in, if at all somebody succeeds in breaking in 99% chance is that whoever broke in is a professional thief, easy to catch for the police as they might have some evidence and record against them.
Likewise as the technology is so Hi-Tech and people are going to Space traveling to and fro like how we fly from Toronto to New York often, why is that ICANN not getting registry operators to develop a system that for most part deter or stop people from registering possible typos of existing registrations( An automated system that checks the domain being searched for and if it feels it is a possible typo, disallow registration and advices the Person trying to register to contact the registrar and discuss what can be done next)
If some thing of the above kind is there future cybersquatting can be stopped and controlled. It is like farmers using pesticides, are the pests gone for ever? they have to use the same pesticides next season, or even more powerful and new ones as the pests grown resistant to the old pesticide. Please remember the fact that Pests are not gone and they will not be able to get rid of them completely in future.
Likewise cybersquatting can be controlled with right technology at root level, but might not be eliminated completely.
I hope who ever reading this not to feel this post like "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp"
there are serious possibilities to curb cybersquatting, instead of just whining about it.