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Got this email form a guy asking for valid email addresses & domains

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Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 7, 2002
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so this guy is asking if I can give him a list of the domains of my clients... in addition he's asking for every registered domain in this world following with its email address... lol this guy must be nuts or something.. well here it goes. Enjoy :grin:


So, how can your software know what domains have been expired unless it hacks into the ICANN servers ?

Ok, if you can acquire lists of expired domains then why do not you acquire lists of unexpired domains ?

How can I get a list of all the domain names in this world which have been registered and have not expired ?

And, how can I get a list of email-addresses of all the domain names in this world which have been registered and have not expired ?

I am not interested in registering domain names.

Nor am I interested in a list of domain names which have been only registered by you.
I just want the lists what I just mentioned above.
Can you help me ?
Do you know how I can get hold of such lists ?

I want a list of all the domain names in this world which have been registered and have not expired.
I want something like this :

1. ebay.com
2. google.com
3. hotmail.com

and so on alphabetically.
Yeah that comes to mind, maybe some-one like you can create such a list and then sell it on ebay for $5 ?
You might get lots of buyers.

Why would anyone be interested to buy such a list ?
Look at it this way, if you buy email-addresses from some seller on a cd or a membership website then most of them are in the format :


So, what is so bad about that ?
Well, it' because :

1. many people sign-up to these free email-addresses and forget about them so they bounce.
(I am after alive email-addresses).

2. home users or non-business-men mostly use these free email-addresses but not businesses, because businesses they usually use email-addresses under their own domain name such as :
[email protected]
(I am after the email-addresses of business-men (websites) and not free email-addresses of homesters or those who do not own a web-site).

3. these free email-addresses do not explain what the owner' occupation or website is.
(email-address extracted from a website explains that the owner is a business-man plus it shows what domain name he owns).

4. hotmail and yahoo now sue anyone who send bulk emails to their users.
(if you email website owners on their website email-addresses enquiring about something then they do not sue you).

I actually want to make deals/proposals/offers/contracts to website owners and hence I prefer to extract email-addresses from websites that have their domain names as part of the email-addresses so it explains which domain name the email-address owner owns plus it explains that the email-address owner is a business-man and not some homester.

Now, I have an email-address extractor that extracts email-addresses from websites.
But, you see the problem is this...

I have to type a keyword, it then searches that keyword on google behind the screen and then visits those links found on google to extract their email-addresses.
This is no good to me as google or the major searchengines do not list every website in the world on their searchengines.
Plus, my offers/deals/proposals are for those who do not get listed on those major searchengines.
So you see, these email-address extractors are no use as they are designed to extract email-addresses from websites that are found on the major searchengines.

And so, I thought that, I should go some-where and buy a list of each and every domain names that have been registered and have not expired so that I can feed it to my email-address extractor.
On the other hand, if I am provided not only with the domain names but their email-addresses too then that is great as it will save me time from email-address extracting.
How does the following ad look :

"List Of All Un-Expired Domain Names Registered In This World"


"List Of All Email Addresses Belong To All Un-Expired Domain Names Registered In This World"


"List Of All Email-Addresses Belonging To Every Single Un-Expired Website In This World"

It would sure catch a lot of ATTENTION if listed on ebay.
Especially those who harvest TARGETTED email-addresses would be your customer because they will know that your list is up-to-date unlike most email-address lists that list bouncing email-addresses.

I just do not know where to start to create such a list.
I was hoping that I would find some-one who has already has such lists so that I can just buy them and save myself a lot of time and hassle.

I only want email-addresses of websites, hence the email-addresses must have the websites' domain name such as :

[email protected]
[email protected]

I am not after free email-addresses or non-website email-addresses such as :

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

because I do not want to just bulk email any nobody because I am not interested to spam anybody.

Also, I am not interested in email-addresses extracted from news-groups.
I only want email-addresses extracted from web-sites.

I also want a complete list of all registered domain names that have not expired.

Even if I cannot acquire the website email-addresses of all the registered domain names in this world that have not expired but I sure would be glad if I can get hold of the list that will list all the registered domain names in this world that have not expired because then I can send my email-address extractor to visit those domain names and extract their website email-addresses.
Afterwards, I can categorise the domain names and email-addresses and create a Targetted Domain and Email Address List.
And then maybe I can rent this list out to you (joke). []
Can you help ?
Any suggestions or free advice ?

What would you do if you were in my position ?
The only other way, I can think of to do to be acquiring all the registered domain names in this world that have not expired yet, is this way....

Get an electronic dictionary and then type all the words in my browser by adding ".com", ".net", etc. and then seeing for myself if I am taken to any website or a dead-link.
The websites that come-up, I can note their domain names.
But, that would only enable me to acquire domain names of "one-worded" domain names.
And so, I still will not gather all the all the registered domain names in this world that have not expired yet.


pretty long eh? :cheeky:


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 17, 2003
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hotmail and yahoo now sue anyone who send bulk emails to their users.
It would sure catch a lot of ATTENTION if listed on ebay.
Especially those who harvest TARGETTED email-addresses would be your customer because they will know that your list is up-to-date unlike most email-address lists that list bouncing email-addresses.
I am not interested in email-addresses extracted from news-groups. I only want email-addresses extracted from web-sites.
I can send my email-address extractor to visit those domain names and extract their website email-addresses.
some-one like you can create such a list and then sell it on ebay for $5

It's clear that this is one *stupid* SPAMMER who thinks he can get such a list for $5


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2003
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Lol what a dam fool, who does he think he is??


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 1, 2002
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Not only long but stupidly redundant!

Oh, incidently when you are done compiling your list of all the emails from all the domain names in this world can you please post a link to the ebay auction for it! That way I don't have to get one of those electroinic dictionaries and type every word in and add .com and .net and send out my"email address extractor" to the sites.



Definitely a newbie spammer.

Which reminds me just in case you missed it, Mailwasher has just launched their new 3.3 version with FirstAlert! (something like Spamnet's model). Their spam database doesn't always connect, but this new version is definitely a serious improvement over the last.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 7, 2002
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lol, I got this email from the same guy today :D


Look, I am fed-up and confused of reading web-sites after web-sites with their many variety of plans regarding "expired domains".
These web-sites create many variety of services just to lure people to get their wallets out.

I just want to receive for FREE a list of "domains" every now and then

1. which will expire soon and will be available to register
2. which have already expired and is available for registration

so that I can check which ones are best for me to register.

I am only interested in the following "expired" or "soon to expire" domain names :

a. ones which have lots of links pointing to them
b. ones which are ranked high on the major search-engines
c. ones which are popular and well-known to the internet-audience
d. ones which make good number of sales each day
e. ones which receive more than 10,000 visitors a day, at-last 5 days a week

Also, I would appreciate if you point-out in the list which ones you suggest I should register giving your reasons why.
Ok, I understand that this service maybe timne-consuming for you but you do not have to only provide this service to me for free but also to all your other members.
This way, you will attract new members and customers from time to time.
If you do not provide this then some-one else will because I am just gonna drop a line to send a copy of this message to every company that deals in "expired domains" business which are listed on google and I can assure you that there are not many :



I only want to pay when I register a domain name and not for any other services which I mentioned above that I am seeking. I want those sought services totally free with no catches or hidden costs.

I do not want to pay for anything else such as

* Domain Monitoring
* Domain Back-Order
* etc.

because I am not interested in these services right now but I maybe in the future.

Do you have what it takes to satisfy my needs and probably the needs of many other people and a hungry market ?


Jack Gordon

Serial Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 6, 2002
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Originally posted by sponk
because I do not want to just bulk email any nobody because I am not interested to spam anybody.



Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 24, 2003
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DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 1, 2002
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Originally posted by sponk
lol Steen, it's some spammer and he's talking in a tone like he's in a higher level than me (like he has more authority). I already hit the delete button. If I had some technology where I could find out his real address, I'd take a baseball bat and beat the shit out of him... :)

LOL Sponk! That guy was a freakin wack job!
I try not to let freaks like that piss me off but sometimes you just cant help it.

The bat idea sounds good though.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 24, 2003
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Originally posted by sponk
lol Steen, it's some spammer and he's talking in a tone like he's in a higher level than me (like he has more authority). I already hit the delete button. If I had some technology where I could find out his real address, I'd take a baseball bat and beat the shit out of him... :)
Lol I know but its jsut sooo funny.

He reminds me of AIS.

Maybe you should sign the SPAMMER (since you know his REAL EMAIL) up to every list you can find :-D

Jack Gordon

Serial Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 6, 2002
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Originally posted by Steen
Maybe you should sign the SPAMMER (since you know his REAL EMAIL) up to every list you can find :-D

an excellent idea!


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 23, 2002
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I got 2 emails myself, i wrote back asking why he sent it to me and why doens't he do his own homework.


Domain Champ
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 13, 2002
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You don't have to search for a fool. Idiots surface on their own.


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 15, 2002
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C'mon, guys. Let's help this little critter out. Let's begin by subscribing him to every Lotto, Free Offer, MLM, Work From Home, and Marketing list we can find. Then, just for fun, let's be sure that his email address is included in the membership of some of the more exotic lists, such as "Animal Lover" XXX-rated sites, cyber sex, Penis-enlarging, Viagra, and Dating sites.

Obviously, this is just a very lonely little soul who wants to reach out and touch the entire world ... but he can't stand rejection, so he doesn't want to write to any "expired" site owners.

On the other hand ... there area always those delightful little AI programs that will respond back to him and appear to be sending him messages from a real, live human being. Think that might help?


Then again, perhaps we could auction HIM off at EBAY. Anybody want to start the bidding at 99 cents?

Okay, I'll go back to behaving myself ... it's just been a VERY long day.

But requests like this bring out the evil little vixen in me ...


Jedi Master
Apr 8, 2002
Reaction score
Too funny. What a moron.

Obviouly he is looking for somebody to do a lot of work for nothing. I agree we should sign him up for every newsletter we can find. What is his email address? :devil:

There are ways to do what he needs that are not too difficult. What a schmuck.



Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 24, 2003
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Please please post his email!

I would take great delite in this :-D
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