Love it! I've bought a nice selection -- 50 or so -- "green" domains around technology advances that are up and coming. A "long play" as it were.
A few recent technologies that I've been following for their green factor (I'm a total tech nerd, and follow science and tech just for the fun of it as much as to look for opportunities):
* graphene for energy storage and lower energy use, less heat generated by micro (actually would be nano) chips. This one is interesting, but a long way from replacing silicon for chips, if ever. But it's cool science!
* smart grid for a more efficient infrastructure that wastes less energy in both the delivery and consumption ends of the delivery of electricity. There are tons of cool possibilities for smart grid, but it's going to take a lot of money and some success stories from early-adopting cities like Miami. There's a lot of stimulus bill money attached to ramping up the smart grid, too, but not much action there yet.
* wave energy/blue energy, which is energy produced by tidal movements of the oceans. Really cool research going on here, but no one has been able to really tough out the punishment that storm waves deliver to electronics, and corrosive minerals that sea water produces. Still, this one has been fun to watch.
How are the rest of you involved in green domaining? Do you like any particular generic words to go with your technology key words?
Best of luck to all, and cool idea for a domain group!