You are helping looksmart index DAILY the web(using your PC's CPU the seti download.. thats the object anyways.; in doing so you you are also allowed to index your own web sites (local crawl) .. which will give you a listing advantage in the looksmart SE AND even more importantly..lets say MSN , or a Yahoo or someone of the likes buys looksmart/grub then you see how your advantage increases?! ..
I am just having a little trouble understanding exactly how to include a needed txt file for the local crawl.
Download your grub.txt file. The file contains your local crawl id, which will be used to authenticate the fact that you are in control of your site(s). Without this file, our system will refuse to assign your URLs to your particular client ID. Note: Do not edit the file with a text editor, as special control characters can sneak into it and confuse our scanner.
For reference, your grub.txt file should contain: ********* (it is simply an ID number -like an affiliate ID)
Place the file in the top most directory of any website that you control. For example, if you run the website located at, you would put the file in the directory on your server that corresponds to the /maverick/ root. A good rule of thumb is to put the file in whatever directory you have your main, or home page.
So it is simply a small text file ..nothing more than a 12 digit ID number..
Reading their instructions ..would you interpret that as basically just upload the txt file ? or would I need to place that ID # in the text file on a page ?