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Domain Name Wire GSF.com cybersquatting dispute should have been reverse domain name hijacking


Level 4
May 21, 2024
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The domain name owner was at least owed an explanation. A guy named Greg Foltz registered the domain GSF.com in 1993. He used it for his family and business (they are his initials, after all). Over thirty years later, Golden State Foods Corp comes along and files a UDRP against the domain name, claiming cybersquatting. […]

Post link: GSF.com cybersquatting dispute should have been reverse domain name hijacking

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Mr. Deleted

DNForum Mod
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 24, 2004
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It seems to be owned by Gordon Food Service, Inc., not Golden State Foods Corp, or Greg Foltz.

I looked on archive.org and went back to 1996 and found Gordon Food Service using the name for its commercial food distribution company. Why did he use Gordon for his company name when his name is Greg? Was it a case of creative license?

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