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Guantanamo Bay / American POW's

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Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 28, 2002
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This is todays news paper here

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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But what the hell does America expect when it treats PoWs like this?
They are not even given PoW status but enemy combatants that do NOT have any right at all.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 11, 2002
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We have a dilemma when it comes to rights of prisoners and following the Geneva convention. It is common knowledge that we have sent Taliban and Al Qaeda forces to SYRIA, Egypt, and Jordan to avoid notice of our use of torture as a method of extracting information.

Although we should expect the world to abide by the laws laid out in the Geneva convention, The United States, as the ideal democracy in the world has an obligation to be above reproach in matters concerning torture, human and civil rights, and freedoms and liberties guaranteed Americans in our constitution:


The holding of "Enemy Combatants" ,in a US military within the confines of communist Cuba territory is a black eye for American justice and human rights.

There is no room for scaling back individual rights and skirting U.S. and international law in a modern world. Citizens of the world have instant access to verifiable and quality information via the internet. Truth, honesty, and justice must be the highest measure of the day.


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 8, 2002
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Originally posted by izoot
•••••Sad to see too how everything is turned around, again. The case is not about defending terrorists and even less their brutal acts. When the *Government* of US, the land of freedom, starts confiscating people in remote military bases. For God's sake they've been held there for over than a year without *ANY* legal process.•••••

Turned around? You say "The case is not about defending terrorists and even less their brutal acts." Well whats it about then? The US didn't wake up one day and say we are going to go "confiscate" remote people. We we're undeservedly attacked and we responded to it. We and other countries are threatened daily by these terrorists and dictators, and your showing compassion for them?sssasas

These are prisoners (enemy), whether you want to agree or not...these people took it upon themselves to get involved with known terrorists and dictatorships....this is the risk they take for fighting for their cause. Its amazing how many of you people think that armed combatants can take part in a violent uprising and then have no responabilty for their actions...

A infamous american actor once said..." If you can't do the time....then don't do the crime ". Those prisoners are being treated better than any prisoners of the Taliban or Al Queada would be....and they will end up at the end of this with all their body parts unlike Saddam and his pals would treat them in his control.

Made you would prefer we put them up in the Hyatt and fill the courtesy bar for them? :)

••••You claim 911 as an attack against US••••
I "claim" it was an attack against the U.S.....No I don't claim it was...IT WAS.

••••but deny all rights from those "enemy combatants" detained in your hands••••
I don't get your comparison. What does this have to do with the attacks of 9-11 anyhow? Terrorists give up their rights anyhow.

••••and still Rumsfeld dares to refer to Geneva Convention when handful American soldiers were shown on Iraq TV "in disrespectful manner". How should we define Mr Rumsfeld's own breach on the respective convention? "mild" or "nonsense"••••

I have to say..nice touch.. when ya added.."its only a hand ful" of soldiers...one is too many... what a wanker.

Well for one...the US is not torturing their prisioners regards of what you think.
Secondly..the US is not broadcasting these prisoners and using them as progananda tools. regardless to what you think you know and however you may feel the reality is that there are Rules of Engagment. geneva Conventions...prisoner of war act. Maybe we should be more like some of the neighboring countries that hang their prisioners from lamposts and slit their throats and put it on the front cover of their papers? Or maybe we should publically stone them ... maybe we can just go to their houses and pull them out infornt of their wives and children and shoot them in the head? this is the type of person that your defending here...these prisioners should be thrill that the US is in control and not someone like their leaders.

Your seem to have more compassion for murderous terrorists than people that are out there putting there life on the line for others. You have shown some very twisted rational here...its very sad. War is not always fair...War is not pretty...They act hostilly and with murderous intent and this is what they get...live with it.

***Its amazing how many of you people think that armed combatants can take part in a violent uprising and then have no responabilty for their actions...***

Did I say : "no responabilty for their actions" ?


***Made you would prefer we put them up in the Hyatt and fill the courtesy bar for them? :)***

heh , proper trial would be sufficient :rolleyes: . But if that's way too luxury.. then.. atleast US has a reason to maintain Guantamo Bay in the future. Nobody is useless..

**Terrorists give up their rights anyhow.**

Everyone perceived as "terrorist" by US has no-rights? Without any chance to defend themselves? Just lock 'em and forget.
Congratulations! American society is showing its first totalitarian signs. I hope you'll enjoy the freedom while it is still possible.

***I have to say..nice touch.. when ya added.."its only a hand ful" of soldiers...one is too many... what a wanker***

Now it's time for personal insults? I hope it boosted your ego.

***Secondly..the US is not broadcasting these prisoners and using them as progananda tools.***

Err.. You seem to have short memory or never turn on the TV news.

***Your seem to have more compassion for murderous terrorists than people that are out there putting there life on the line for others***

"compassion" ??!? :confused:

If you're so blind-eyed, unable to notice nothing peculiar in people imprisoned in concentration camp for unknown time .. then.. justice does not belong to your vocabulary.

Anthony Ng

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 22, 2002
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Have you cut and pasted to the wrong thread. I didn't see izoot's post here! :confused:


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 20, 2002
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lol...Ya wrong thread. And sorry on the wanker comment. That was not needed.

I am going to try to refrain from making anymore politically related posts...this is not the forum for it....we all have our opinions that we feel strongly and emotionally about.

If you want to continue a conversation please feel free to email me.

I have no problem with anyone here and I really don't want to start now. Theres nothing to be gained...we are a small community...and up til recently a semi-happy one.

I make no apologies for my posts...they are my views...you are entitled to yours as well. I'll leave it at that.



Cash Is King

Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 20, 2003
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Originally posted by think
We have a dilemma when it comes to rights of prisoners and following the Geneva convention. It is common knowledge that we have sent Taliban and Al Qaeda forces to SYRIA, Egypt, and Jordan to avoid notice of our use of torture as a method of extracting information.

Although we should expect the world to abide by the laws laid out in the Geneva convention, The United States, as the ideal democracy in the world has an obligation to be above reproach in matters concerning torture, human and civil rights, and freedoms and liberties guaranteed Americans in our constitution:


The holding of "Enemy Combatants" ,in a US military within the confines of communist Cuba territory is a black eye for American justice and human rights.

There is no room for scaling back individual rights and skirting U.S. and international law in a modern world. Citizens of the world have instant access to verifiable and quality information via the internet. Truth, honesty, and justice must be the highest measure of the day.

The Geneva Convention relates to a War. There is a coalition to fight terrorism throughout the whole world. If they went to Cuba or Saudi Arabia it does not make a difference. Those people are still alive.

The united states is following the rules of the geneva convention for the iraqi freedom war.

The soldgiers in Iraq executed the united states POW's. Now the regime is really phucked.
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