Danger danger danger. At first I was going to say that this name is worth zero. For a name to be worth something, it has to at least be able to be guaranteed to get $50 in a thread here. Now, this place is dead right now, but even so, for a name to have any worth at all you have to be guaranteed to be able to sell it.....for at least something.
The more I think of it, I believe there might be enough people who will think it is a good name that you might snag a bid. People bought worthless internet stocks and overvalued houses, too, so reality becomes whatever people want it to be, in a way.
If you reg fee'd it, then maybe you can get lucky, but I still don't see it having legitimate value. If you spent a few hours shopping it around and were then able to get $50 to $100 for it, does that mean it is worth $50 to $100? Not in my book. You have to factor in the odds of you getting the sale. So, if there is a 25 percent chance that you get a sale of $100 with two hours effort, the true value is 1/4 of the $100, or $25. Deduct $12.50 per hour for your time, and now you are back to zero. That's actually how the real world works.
The more time you spend on this name the bigger hole you will dig, but because it is a bit catchy, and kinda looks like it might be decent, you could very well get lucky and TRAP someone into paying you off so that you make a small profit.