Hi, I'am 25 years old engenieer (just gradueted :smilewinkgrin looking for some extra money in domain industry. Wish you luck in 2009!
It's true. Nice people here, helpfull informations, beautifull women. I want to stay here untill morning :smilewinkgrin:Chears to you mate... lots of good folks here and a wealth of information... stay a while
Just completed studies in the field of Mining and Geology and I was granted the degree of Master of Science. So I'm oil field engineer, working for the oil company. If your domain buissnes go broke we can always search some hydracarbons deposit in your gardenWelcome to the community Peter! What kind of engineer?
If you do something try to do it the best you canbtw: 2 posts & 1 iTrader, good start!
Just completed studies in the field of Mining and Geology and I was granted the degree of Master of Science. So I'm oil field engineer, working for the oil company. If your domain buissnes go broke we can always search some hydracarbons deposit in your garden
Great fields to be in (and a good kind of company to work for at this time)! k:
Just out of curiosity - what's your thoughts on polar reversals and tectonic shifts?
I'm going to repeat it to myself every morning :cheesy:First, decide and say to yourself - "I will be successful." Then do everything that is necessary to be....
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