Is there anyone that could help me translate the following words / phrases into German?
[1] Home
[2] Contact Us
[3] Links
[4] Site Map
[5] Lease This Ad Space
[6] Submit
[7] Inquiry
[8] Full Name
It really depends in which context you are using those words, there are many different translations for each one.
Home =, zu Hause, Heimat, zuhause, (and if being used in a website context people use Home as well)
Contact us = kontaktier uns, Kontaktieren Sie uns,(if being used for a website most often just: Kontakt.
Links: Verbindungen, (if being used for a website: Links)
Site Map: I would say that in 70% of the cases the word Site Map is being used as well, but 30% of the time people use the German word Ãberblick, which means something like overview
Lease this ad space: Dieser Werbeplatz ist zu vermieten
Submit: Ãbermitteln, but in some cases submit is used as well
Inquiry: Anfrage, Nachfrage, Frage
Full Name: Name, Vor- und Nachname. Even if you say just Name people will assume its first and last name.