I run a adultish blog that averages about 8k uniques a day
At moment all I earn from it is from pop unders @ $1.50 per thousand.
I suck at the progs where you gotta get sign ups.
What else can I try?
A lot of links are celebrity related so celebrity related stuff could be good.
I should be making a bit with all these uniques, more then I am, so pls advise!
I call it a adult blog but really 90 per cent of the links are safe for work links, but some aren't, so call it 'adult' to save confusion.
At moment all I earn from it is from pop unders @ $1.50 per thousand.
I suck at the progs where you gotta get sign ups.
What else can I try?
A lot of links are celebrity related so celebrity related stuff could be good.
I should be making a bit with all these uniques, more then I am, so pls advise!
I call it a adult blog but really 90 per cent of the links are safe for work links, but some aren't, so call it 'adult' to save confusion.