You might want to look up who you're f&*king with here.
A few years ago, Lisa McPherson tried to leave Scientology and was "alledgedy" tortured to death over a series of several days and other cult members were paraded through her room, as a warning to anyone who though about leaving. The "church" wasn't prosecuted for murder because they dropped her off at an emergency room in the final minutes as she expired from dehydration and beatings.
Further back, in the BBS days, a BBS operator (a forum, essentially) had his home town apart and he was JAILED because he "violated the copyright on the Scientology Bible" by posting sections of it on his BBS. This happened in LOS ANGELES! How many bribes do you have to pay to be JAILED for a "investigation of copyright violation"?
In the above cases and in the case of anyone else who opposes them, they go after your family, your parents, your sublings, your children, and harrass them. One activist annoyed them so they bought the houses surrounding his parents (he didn't live there) and harrassed them until they had to leave.
Some countries (like Germany) are intelligent and don't tolerate this cult, while the USA not only rewards these thugs with tax exempt status, but keep the critics silent.