It is a decent name, and it makes sense. However, it is probably worth more to you than to others, since you are making a few bucks on PPC apparently. Of course, if you just happened to stumble upon somebody who was about to get into the Maid business, then you certainly could interest them with this name.
The problem with the above is that it is a catch 22 with finding the end-users. If you Google for leads, then those people likely already have sites, and even though this name fits, I am not so sure it is so strong that someone would want to redo their business and change their name.
The silver lining is that there are numerous companies with national maid franchises/businesses. This is your target audience. If you are hiring a made it is a local thing. You would Google Fort Worth Maids, etc. Not many people would Google Hire Maids without further information. But, since you said it gets a bit of traffic, then you gotta think that is solid targeted traffic that a national chain could use. They could direct this name to their site and get the business.
The sad part is that this name is probably worth more money than you will get out of it, since the logistics involved in finding the perfect end-user will take a little time and effort, and that will cut into your profit margin. If the traffic is good, then I think you might be better served coming up with a professional sales-pitch and letting the top 5-10 national companies know that this name can generate some business for them. Remember, this is the type of business that has to advertise constantly, as everyone has seen the coupon mailers, etc. Let them know that if they spend 5K on the name now they will get lead after lead after lead sent to them for as long as they are in business....for just the one-time advertising fee.
Good name. Value is tough to give, but I think this is the type you could get a real nice sale from, so maybe you should take a good shot and swing for the homerun.