Domain Appraisal
USD 20
I should sell my domain and blog for 20 bucks?
Thats a deal!
Hooo, yes, i do understand now.
A domain appraisal just CAN'T apraise domain content and service.
A domain appraisal tool should make appraisal based on NAKED domain ONLY ( as if the dn was free)
External parameter like content, service provided, compagny behind... can not be appraised.
An exemple, let s say you want to sell you car, you COULD be happy to use some car appraisal to help you know how much you could sell your car.
Now, let s say your car is PINK color, many will DO NOT want to by your car, and you could have to lower your price.
This is the same with Dmain appraisal.
The concept is that, is something is hightly searched AND give good earnings, it will be appraised better that something that is not searched and have bad earning.
With this simple concept, you can say that "" SHOULD be appraised better than ""
That being said, you will ALWAYS need human to appraise the subjective factors.
Domain appraisal will never do the all work for you.
One last, point, if you search in Google Keyword, you will figure out that not many people do "dnhop" as exact search. BUT many people do "Apple" aas exact search.
So, from my point of view, naked domain does not worth many $. ( strictly based on search volume appraisal )
I just fed into their own domain appraisal system - is valued between $7 & $22
Sure, this domain do not worth 20$, but i do not have the 100 000$ owner requested me.... One day, maybe
The only thing that have a t least a little value is the service itself. But that is another story