I'm trying to find out how much an average 5 digit domain is worth (nothing premium like 20000.com). Is there a simple solution to searching prior sales? Or does anyone have their own opinion about how much they are worth?
Hey, I should have responded to this a long time ago but didn't see it. If you're still interested, on my blog I regularly publish 4.cn auction results for numeric domains (nnnnndomains .com), with a focus on five digit domains. 4.cn is the Chinese auction site where most numerics are auctioned. These domains are WAY more popular in China than they are in the states. All my offers to buy numerics come from Chinese buyers these days.
The basic answer is $20-$30 for non-premium numbers. They have been bought out since last fall, after having been bought out in early 2008 and that buyout failing (which was mostly done by western domainers), and the number of daily drops has fallen from around 60/day to around 30/day. I have a post coming up examining registration data, which shows that many recent registrants are choosing to renew their NNNNN.com's, which will further tighten up supply.