Cartoonz, you are a facts curator because of the types of questions you did well on. Like me, you probably did well on established ideas and facts related questions and less well on spatial and improvisatory questions.
It's all silly really because there are specific intelligences or headsets that this test doesn't measure very well. For example, I believe this test does not
measure musical or emotional (or intuitive) intelligence
well at all.
Athough related, I don't feel the mathematical questions accurately judge ability to hear musical notes in perfect pitch or the ability to
keep track of different voices simultaneously or the ability to understand proper procedure in a given situation whether it be with a lover, friend, family member or a chess adversary 20 moves from checkmate.
These are different types of intelligence. Different types of awareness.
Chess grandmasters have been as "dumb as door knobs" beyond their ridiculous chess abilty. And many a famous scientific philosopher and scientist have been a little dense when it comes to brands of chewing gum....
And musicians ....... how about daring and inventiveness?
How about the artistic expression of unspoken joy and devastating human suffering and pain beyond human comprehension?
How about athletic ability and genius? Flexibilty, stamina and power?
Is that worth anything to anyone?
Who says what counts?
One thing I think these "IQ tests" do measure well is your general seriousness in taking a test of any kind because most of the questions require serious
thought and reflection and if you are not willing to give that, you will score low. I found very low "trickery" attempts with these questions.
I'm sure snoppy and mole are really
in the low 200's.