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other I am a guest speaker at Bido.com June 2nd

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Level 7
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Hi everyone!
Patty here, I will be speaking tomorrow June 2nd at 1pm EST if anyone wants to come support me. I will be chatting about targeting end users. I think I might even discuss my upcoming project so this should be an interesting endeavor.

Hope to see you there and also give me some ideas if any of things you might want me to cover.




DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 6, 2007
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thx Patty,

*send a last second reminder if you can

GoodLuck :yo:


Former DNF Admin
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 25, 2004
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See you then Patty, and thanks for being our guest.

Stock_Post - you must be referring to the paid private message that DNForum sold us. They failed to mention it was a paid advertisement and sent by DNF itself. Just would like to clarify that in case you missed the talks about it. Anyway glad we have you back as we value your opinion and support of Bido.


Level 7
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
See you then Patty, and thanks for being our guest.

Stock_Post - you must be referring to the paid private message that DNForum sold us. They failed to mention it was a paid advertisement and sent by DNF itself. Just would like to clarify that in case you missed the talks about it. Anyway glad we have you back as we value your opinion and support of Bido.

Should be an interesting time :) Any thing anyone wants to know, I am happy to chat about it.


Level 7
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Today's guest is Patty Similien of StarpowerDomains.
TiaWood: Hi, Patty.
TiaWood: Hi, everyone.
Jarred: TiaWood, hello
Ty_: Hi Tia, Jarred
Patty Similien: Hi
Patty Similien: I apologize in advance, I was accidently woken up at 4:30 because my aunt thought I wanted to wake up at that time
Ty_: Hi Patty
Patty Similien: Hi Ty
algis: ello
algis: Hey Patty
Patty Similien: How is everyone?
Art: I'll have the early bird special please
algis: I had a question for you. You had any luck finding end users for $20k+ and 50k+ names?
Patty Similien: i have had luck, but I can tell you that you that you better have a large roledex or get on the business forums that promote new start ups etc..
Art: Patty Similien, hello
Patty Similien: Hi Art, how goes it
algis: I am talking about generic names with high search volume. Think you would want to find buyers for a few?
Art: pretty good. thx for doing this
Patty Similien: No problem, i hope that everyone goes away feeling as confused as I do (bad joke) *grinning*
Art: here we go...
Art: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Patty Similien of StarpowerDomains
Art: Patty, when did you start StarpowerDomains?
Patty Similien: I started it as a branch off a parent company
Patty Similien: in 05
Art: what is the parent co?
Patty Similien: I didnt register the domain name til last year
Patty Similien: Equity Builders of texas
Patty Similien: its no longer in service as I dont like real estate anymore
Art: interesting. so you ran that company prior to starpower?
TiaWood: Oh, you're from Texas?
[10:02] Patty Similien: No my brother and I did
[10:02] Patty Similien: noo, I am from Seattle, Washington
[10:03] Art: Patty, what was your inspiration to start the business?
[10:04] Patty Similien: I have seen a lot of websites and I just always was inspired to develop and create software that no one would think was possible to make or create
[10:04] Patty Similien: Something that people can actively use and understand in their own business
[10:05] jhansen: Any plans or update on that 24hr/$2,000 challenge?
[10:05] Art: If you can create something that can be used in several businss types, you really have sometihing
[10:05] Patty Similien: Well Tia and I were going to do a race against each other but she we have yet to get it started
[10:06] Art: who can make $2k in 24 hours?
[10:06] jhansen: Ref: http://starpowerdomains.com/i-hereby-challenge-myself-to-make-2000-dollars-in-24-hours/
[10:06] Patty Similien: As far as a software piece, I am in the midst of working a project that I think will be extremely helpful for domainers
[10:06] Art: do tell..
[10:07] Patty Similien: Yeah, I think it would be an interesting challenge. I see all this hype with well known marketers, how they made a 150 billion dollars in 2 days, so I figured it couldn't be that much harder
[10:08] algis: 150 billion in 2 days? lol
[10:08] Art: so you've created these tools that can be purchased at your website?
[10:08] Patty Similien: as far as the softeare, I am looking at something that will generate a report and top ten list of people who would be interested in your domain and how to approach them based on a website algorithm
[10:09] algis: you really want to open that spam system for end users? :)
[10:09] Patty Similien: I am in the process of creating them as the days go by. I still have quite a ways to go. hence why I am brokering domains as my moonlighting job
[10:09] algis: then they will get multiple emails from noobs with crappy domains
[10:09] Patty Similien: thats where it gets awesome
[10:09] Patty Similien: It won't allow that, these names have to meet a special criteria before they can even be diagnosed
[10:10] algis: phew :)
[10:10] Art: that's an interesting feature. how does it work?
[10:11] Patty Similien: Well I have a friend who went to MIT and once I raise the appropriate funds, he'll be creating what I like is an artificial intelligence chip that will sense junk from the actual names that will help so for example
[10:11] DomainVictor: Sorry to go off topic but this go me thinking. How did that "domain stock market" project go? what was the domain agian?
[10:12] Art: DomainVictor, don't think I heard about this one
[10:12] fishonamission: Victor, i know what you're talking about...i forget the name.
[10:12] fishonamission: fusu.com ?
[10:12] DomainVictor: it was a 4 letter domain i think
[10:12] DomainVictor: yes. let me check
[10:12] Art: Patty, what services does StarpowerDomains provide? Do you offer development, domain management, etc?
[10:13] Patty Similien: If you have a domain that is within 1-2 word versus 3-5 words, or the amount of letters that goes into it
[10:13] Patty Similien: Yes Art
[10:13] Patty Similien: I offer content creation
[10:13] fishonamission: I think it's still around, not sure how successful it was
[10:13] Patty Similien: 2 writers called my little sisters
[10:13] Art: on any topic?
[10:13] Patty Similien: on any and all topics. If you look at some of my sites, these chicks know how to write
[10:14] Patty Similien: my sister just finished a book: saydiemason.com
[10:14] Patty Similien: She's fantasic
[10:14] Art: I have checked out a few. How to get a raise - interesting indea
[10:14] DomainVictor: MIT Grads and Novelist...I feel underdressed
[10:14] Patty Similien: These are just our ideas, we saw that there were alot of money behind these names and just regged
[10:14] Art: DomainVictor, it's pretty highbrow in here
[10:15] Patty Similien: Well I am sometimes smart and I hang with cool smart people
[10:15] DomainVictor: Noone (except Sahar) has a higher browline than me
[10:15] Art: Patty Similien, what % of your business comes from this content creation idea?
[10:15] Art: I don't know, DV
[10:15] Patty Similien: about 60% at this point
[10:15] Art: wow. not too bad
[10:16] Art: What t ypes of sites do you create content for?
[10:16] Patty Similien: I find a lot of my clients via CL and going to meetups
[10:16] DomainVictor: I should have said hair line <---have none
[10:16] Patty Similien: DV, rogaine is amazing..
[10:16] DomainVictor: No it is not
[10:16] DomainVictor: Tried
[10:16] Patty Similien: My uncle loves it
[10:16] Art: I hear the makers of Chia Pet are coming out with a similar product
[10:17] Patty Similien: We create content for just about any site, we make business plans, outlines, websites, products pages
[10:17] DomainVictor: I embrace my shiny top
[10:17] Patty Similien: Please do DV, there are still some bald lovers out there
[10:17] Art: Your company does site dev as well, right?
[10:17] DomainVictor: Distracts folks from my gut
[10:17] Domain Superstar: Hi Patty, what is the average word count for the article rates you have published on your site here: http://starpowerdomains.com/services-i-offer/
[10:19] Patty Similien: our rates at this time are: $18.00 per 525 words and 400 for a bulk order of 25
[10:19] Patty Similien: We dont write less than 450 words
[10:20] Art: Patty Similien, how do your writers go about creating articles on topics they are unfamiliar with?
[10:20] Patty Similien: research is so awesome :) Yet we try to keep open and honest lines of communications at all times
[10:21] Patty Similien: If there is something we can't do then we let our customers know
[10:21] Art: So the customer provides a starting point, writers take the ball and run w/ it
[10:21] Patty Similien: Yes
[10:22] Art: Patty, when looking to acquire domains, do you do so with potential end users in mind?
[10:22] Patty Similien: I definitely do
[10:22] Patty Similien: as I am not always going to be interested in the names that I have and I want to be sure thati can get them built up and moved on to the right source
[10:23] Art: do you buy the name with the intent to develop or to flip to end users?
[10:23] Patty Similien: I like to develop my names and keep them to the point that they are making me passive income
[10:24] Art: that makes the domain a bit more attractive in a sale - gets more money as well
[10:24] Patty Similien: Yet lately, I have been trying to raise money for the software piece/membership and I have been selling my good (what I think is good) names
[10:24] Patty Similien: exactly
[10:24] Art: Patty, how many domains do you have in your portfolio?
[10:25] Patty Similien: I have about 200 names
[10:25] Bido: Any questions for Patty out there in Bido-Land? Please feel free to ask away!
[10:25] Patty Similien: Ask me anything, I know 98% of it
[10:25] stewie: lol
[10:26] Art: I bet someone in here knows the other 2%
[10:26] Patty Similien: exactly
[10:26] stewie: i know the other 2%
[10:26] Patty Similien: What i would like to do
[10:26] Patty Similien: Thats my stewie!
[10:26] stewie: :)
[10:26] DomainVictor: I only know 2% maybe they don't overlap!
[10:26] Patty Similien: is ask if anyone who is trying to contact the end sales, what the weak part is for them
[10:27] Mike Mann: Hello
[10:27] Art: Hi Mike
[10:27] Patty Similien: Hi Mike
[10:27] Art: getting a sneak preview, eh?
[10:27] Mike Mann: thanks for invite
[10:27] Art: np
[10:27] Mike Mann: yep
[10:27] DomainVictor: I see you recommend sending phyiscal letters initally rather than email. Why?
[10:27] Bido: Mike Mann will be our guest tomorrow.
[10:28] stewie: he's early ,,...lol
[10:28] Patty Similien: Its more of an impact than anything
[10:28] Mike Mann: first time for everything
[10:29] Patty Similien: You are making more of a statement than an email, an email can get lost, while a letter tends to get tossed on the side with everything else
[10:29] Art: Patty Similien, the end user will actually take time to read the letter, as opposed to deleting 1 or 50 emails in their inbox
[10:29] Patty Similien: and then its gone through later
[10:29] Patty Similien: That's also accurate Art
[10:29] theoretical: Just a letter or do you also include "marketing" type material for the domain?
[10:30] Patty Similien: I also believe you are better calling your potential sales
[10:30] Patty Similien: I usually insert a card with the domain name on the card
[10:30] Patty Similien: makes it look more appealing
[10:30] theoretical: what kind of "conversion rate" do you see from those letters?
[10:31] dnpimping: Patty, I've noticed you are an active member on dnforum. What do you feel about people opening threads and accusing you of being a scammer, when a transaction doesn't go as planned? I noticed you were a vicitm of this recently.
[10:31] Patty Similien: I have sent out at one point 150 letters and I received about 30 calls
[10:31] Bido: Current bid: US $166.00
[10:31] theoretical: that's not bad
[10:31] DomainVictor: Rick Schwartz refuses to do anything but email.
[10:31] Art: that's great, Patty
[10:31] DomainVictor: I don't have $6MM names thought
[10:32] DomainVictor: thought
[10:32] Patty Similien: Rick Schwartz also is also looking at hot names in his portfolio
[10:32] Patty Similien: As far as being called a scammer
[10:32] DomainVictor: unless there is one rich LazySlob.com out there!
[10:32] theoretical: /me steals domainvictor's t
[10:32] Patty Similien: it was disheartening and I have made mistakes in business before but since then, I have tried to do everything as honest, open and forthcoming as possible
[10:33] algis: btw nam.es is up
[10:33] algis: more video on their way
[10:33] Art: people love the .es names
[10:33] DomainVictor: Hacks are whack!
[10:33] Patty Similien: I tried working things out but he had in mind what he was going to do
[10:33] Art: Patty, what advice would you offer to people new to domaining who’d like to make some money from domains they have acquired?
[10:34] Patty Similien: develop, develop, then monetize and just keep at it
[10:34] Patty Similien: Its a hard road, I barely make alot of money doing what I am doing but I know there is an golden future ahead
[10:34] Art: by monetize you mean sell it for more than you bought it for
[10:34] algis: new people can't develop
[10:34] Patty Similien: no, I mean add PPC
[10:34] algis: they can't even pick right domain
[10:34] DomainVictor: What was your latest sale? how much $
[10:34] Patty Similien: My last sale was for 400.00
[10:35] DomainVictor: for a hand reg
[10:35] Patty Similien: yeah
[10:35] Patty Similien: tes i mean
[10:35] Patty Similien: yes*
[10:35] DomainVictor: As a content provider do you have an opinion on today's name?
[10:36] Patty Similien: I dont like it
[10:36] theoretical: :)
[10:36] Bido: Bido - Not Happy
[10:36] DomainVictor: +1
[10:36] Patty Similien: I am sitting here with my sunglasses on wondering how the hell is someone paying over 150 dollars for it
[10:36] algis: I have 3 names that in my opinion are around 110-125k
[10:36] Patty Similien: You sghould email me algis
[10:36] Art: not too shabby, algis
[10:37] Patty Similien: Content theft is all over
[10:37] DomainVictor: algis, what currency? not dollars
[10:37] Patty Similien: DV...LOL
[10:37] algis: DomainVictor dollars :) sadly
[10:37] Patty Similien: Unless someone is going to build content theft and I am giving an idea here
[10:37] Patty Similien: watermark service
[10:37] algis: Patty Similien, can you tell me your email at [email protected] please - so I will reply
[10:37] Patty Similien: to help prevent the right click copy paste feature
[10:38] DomainVictor: Yes jut post everything in PDF format. ;)
[10:38] Art: you might have something there, Patty
[10:38] theoretical: right click, view source, copy, paste is what built the web!
[10:38] Mike Mann: hey, not sure of protocol here, can I paste and promote some names I just picked up or no?
[10:38] DomainVictor: That what got your friend through MIT!
[10:39] Patty Similien: right but it needs to change if we are going to have any income coming off the internet
[10:39] DomainVictor: You have to give one away first. I'll take it
[10:39] Mike Mann: ok
[10:39] stewie: lol
[10:39] Art: Mike Mann, if you'd like we can talk about some of your names tomorrow
[10:39] dnpimping: Mike are your domains are belong to us!
[10:39] Mike Mann: cool
[10:39] Mike Mann: sure they belong to you, mikemann.com
[10:39] Art: Adams Consulting, hello
[10:39] algis: Mike Mann, hey there :)
[10:40] Mike Mann: hey
[10:40] Patty Similien: Mike, what names do you have?
[10:40] Mike Mann: art?
[10:40] DomainVictor: Yikes
[10:40] Art: ok, ok...
[10:40] Patty Similien: hahaha
[10:40] fishonamission: Hey Patty, your name is going into auction in the .ca
[10:40] Mike Mann: all at domainmarket.com and at mikemann.com are mine
[10:40] Mike Mann: search by keyword
[10:40] dnpimping: Mike you own phone.com?
[10:40] Patty Similien: What fish??
[10:40] Mike Mann: today
[10:40] Mike Mann: lastingfun.com
[10:40] Adams Consulting: The rule, in general, is that companies like Google only want to hear about if someone is infringing on your copyrights. They don't want reports about sites stealing other people's content. So, unless people are doing due diligence in searching and reporting offenders, then nothing will happen to the abuser.
[10:40] Mike Mann: oops
[10:40] Mike Mann: wont take paste list
[10:41] fishonamission: Patty.ca is in auction in a couple days
[10:41] DomainVictor: Mike just post them all in this chat
[10:41] Patty Similien: LOL
[10:41] Mike Mann: how?
[10:41] DomainVictor: Should only be about 100K or so
[10:41] dnpimping: Mike I'll buy phone.com from you
[10:41] dnpimping: but i am on a budget
[10:41] Patty Similien: If anyone wants to support Starpower Domains, you can email us at [email protected]
[10:41] Art: Patty, which domain would you buy if you had no financial constraint?
[10:41] dnpimping: Patty what's your twitter
[10:41] lappanion: hey guys hope you are not forgetting to bid on my domain today LOL
[10:41] Mike Mann: 50M and its yours tomorrow
[10:42] dnpimping: ok
[10:42] dnpimping: i'll pull that out of my change drawer
[10:42] Mike Mann: Id buy sex.com
[10:42] fishonamission: there's a domain here lapp ?
[10:42] Patty Similien: I cant seem to access it but it's twitter.com/starpowrdomains
[10:42] DomainVictor: Mike Mann, what currency cause you don't mean dollars?
[10:42] dnpimping: give me a few hours
[10:42] Mike Mann: no I mean pesos
[10:42] lappanion: contenttheft.com
[10:42] dnpimping: even better
[10:42] DomainVictor: still out of my range
[10:42] Mike Mann: its a megacorporation not domain
[10:42] DomainVictor: zimbabwai $ and we are in business
[10:43] fishonamission: good name...but the two T's make it look awkward
[10:43] dnpimping: i'll send a few tecate's also
[10:43] lappanion: indeed thats why am selling hahaha
[10:43] lappanion: joking its a great name
[10:43] Art: Patty, what are you future plans for StarpowerDomains?
[10:43] dnpimping: Art to become filthy rich
[10:43] dnpimping: haha
[10:43] Art: yeah, me too
[10:44] Patty Similien: software development, content creation and helping others get happy
[10:44] Patty Similien: hang with me, we'll be rich before I am 30
[10:44] DomainVictor: Patty Similien, don't forget brokering and sales consulting
[10:44] fishonamission: patty you are under 30?
[10:44] Patty Similien: yes DV
[10:44] Art: Patty Similien, what's your timetable for launching your end user locating tools?
[10:44] Patty Similien: I will be 29 in Oct
[10:44] dnpimping: yes patty is 29.99 years old
[10:44] Patty Similien: LOL
[10:45] DomainVictor: I am not even under 230
[10:45] fishonamission: very good Patty...you better hurry
[10:45] dnpimping: i am also 28
[10:45] Patty Similien: The time table is contingent on how fast I can raise fund
[10:45] Patty Similien: no joke
[10:45] dnpimping: some yongens in hear
[10:45] DomainVictor: Might because I am carring too much domain baggage
[10:45] theoretical: I had plans to retire at 25 - I made it as far as "move to florida"... but that was about as far as I got :)
[10:45] Art: dnpimping, yeah, like me
[10:45] fishonamission: The key to doing well in domaining is having an income on the side
[10:45] Patty Similien: good luck on that fish
[10:46] algis: Patty Similien, emailed
[10:46] dnpimping: haha
[10:46] dnpimping: Art i heard you are older then milk
[10:46] fishonamission: Patty, no luck..it is being done ..by hundreds of domainers
[10:46] Patty Similien: I am trying to raise 5,000 within 2 weeks
[10:46] fishonamission: Patty...try a secured line of credit...
[10:46] fishonamission: or just a line of credit
[10:46] Art: dnpimping, I suppose that would depend on the age of the milk
[10:46] dnpimping: Patty will this Mc Donalds coupon work?
[10:46] DomainVictor: wouldn't that make him COttage CHeese?
[10:46] Patty Similien: Ohh I was thinking you meant like savings etc
[10:47] dnpimping: Yup
[10:47] algis: Patty Similien, sell my names and you will earn 10 :)
[10:47] dnpimping: Art's definitely cottage cheese
[10:47] Patty Similien: Yes dn, it saves me money from having to buy my food
[10:47] Patty Similien: I love cottage cheese
[10:47] Mike Mann: who is making the most money who is on this board? that is who I want to chat with
[10:47] Art: Patty, what are some of examples of clients you have done development work for?
[10:47] dnpimping: Art Patty loves you
[10:47] Art: that's great
[10:47] Adams Consulting: Patty Smilien, I got a line of credit at the bank when I was short on cash.
[10:47] theoretical: /me points to sahar :)
[10:47] Patty Similien: hugs Art
[10:47] Art: I love all the bido chat guests!
[10:48] fishonamission: Adams..i tried suggesting :)
[10:48] Patty Similien: i have done work for Alki Kayak, Bommers, Beatbox inc, many clients
[10:48] fishonamission: Just another note...sometimes timing is everything in domaining....borrowing funds is not a bad thing.
[10:48] Patty Similien: Yeah I tried to get a line but they asked me to reapply in 6 months
[10:49] fishonamission: Patty do you own a home?
[10:49] Patty Similien: I sold it before the home bust
[10:49] algis: Mike Mann, it depends. based on how much I invest, I think I am.
[10:49] Mike Mann: we know about sahar already, who am I missing
[10:49] theoretical: heh.. had a banker say "how much equity do you have in your house"... I said.. "You do realize this is Florida right?"
[10:49] fishonamission: any credit cards? many are giving low 6 month rates :)
[10:49] Bido: Current bid: US $166.00
[10:49] algis: Mike Mann, we been talking to you on linkedin btw. teet.com project if you remember
[10:49] Art: I hear that Jarred guy is loaded, Mike
[10:49] Patty Similien: I lost my job 7 months ago as well, could be my kill factor
[10:50] Mike Mann: yes
[10:50] Patty Similien: He's jewish ;-)
[10:50] algis: I had a job in 2000 last time
[10:50] algis: who needs a job
[10:50] fishonamission: teet or teat ?
[10:50] algis: fishonamission, teet :)
[10:50] Art: Patty, are there any particular individuals who inspired you to get into the domaining business?
[10:50] Mike Mann: hey, here is one I have that is very unique in the world, wi.fi
[10:50] fishonamission: oh ok :)
[10:50] Mike Mann: from finland
[10:50] algis: Mike Mann, I have nam.es :)
[10:50] Mike Mann: cool
[10:50] Patty Similien: Yes there was one person
[10:50] Mike Mann: who wants to build wi.fi ?
[10:50] fishonamission: wow, you can by teats on your site?
[10:50] Patty Similien: I do!!!!
[10:51] Art: Mike Mann, I hear the Finns are real pioneers in wireless technology
[10:51] Mike Mann: yep
[10:51] DomainVictor: of course they are.
[10:51] Patty Similien: I can think of an AWESOME idea with wi.fi
[10:51] dnpimping: Mike how does your wireless internet work on that hill?
[10:51] ParkingKing: how about greatwifi.com as a sister site.
[10:51] DomainVictor: Nokia, Linus and the list goes on
[10:51] fishonamission: Patty, How much do you charge for web development?
[10:52] dnpimping: You'd think you wouldn't get a signal from the beach house in Malibu.
[10:52] ParkingKing: 5000
[10:52] dnpimping: lol
[10:52] theoretical: 2 weeks
[10:52] Art: yep. they went wireless so they wouldn't have to leave their igloos when the powerlines fall down due to ice buildup
[10:52] Art: jk
[10:52] Patty Similien: LOL@dn
[10:52] dnpimping: lol
[10:52] Patty Similien: Mike, tell me what you are looking for and then I make a estimate
[10:52] dnpimping: Mike is pulling our chains
[10:52] Mike Mann: beach is in Delaware
[10:53] ParkingKing: then I will copy it using contentTheft.com
[10:53] dnpimping: his portfolio is by far one of the best i have seen
[10:53] DomainVictor: House in Fenwick here
[10:53] Patty Similien: please dont pull my chain, its my chain from a bad relationship
[10:53] Mike Mann: looking to make worlds most profitable wifi website
[10:53] dnpimping: dorrito bag in Los Angeles here
[10:53] Patty Similien: Mike, I can totally give you 10 ideas
[10:53] fishonamission: $182 now
[10:53] Bido: Current bid: US $182.00
[10:53] fishonamission: beat ya bido :)
[10:53] Patty Similien: it requires a few merges
[10:54] dnpimping: Mike I am downloading your ebook
[10:54] Mike Mann: cool on fendwick
[10:54] Mike Mann: cool on book, email me for hard copies
[10:54] Patty Similien: Mike Mann, we should talk if you are interested
[10:54] Adams Consulting: Wifi wouldn't be quite so cool without the Internet.
[10:54] Mike Mann: mikemann at mikemann dot com
[10:54] DomainVictor: You must be in Bethany
[10:54] Mike Mann: Dewey Beacg
[10:54] Art: Patty, will you be attending any industry functions in the near future??
[10:54] Mike Mann: h
[10:54] dnpimping: But I need you to send me one of your playboy buniees to read it to me
[10:54] dnpimping: bunnies
[10:55] Mike Mann: ok
[10:55] dnpimping: lol
[10:55] Mike Mann: you are the pimp
[10:55] Mike Mann: you send me
[10:55] DomainVictor: Wi.Fi would be a great service/app for the iPhone to allow for finding a wiFi site
[10:55] Patty Similien: I would love to be attending industry
[10:55] Mike Mann: I own myphone.com too
[10:55] dnpimping: there all busy
[10:55] Patty Similien: functions but never know where to go
[10:55] Mike Mann: a just announced service of microsoft
[10:55] DomainVictor: then add in the new blackberry, backjack etc..
[10:55] dnpimping: Mike I own myhat.com
[10:56] Art: Patty Similien, I'm sure there are a few up in your neighborhood
[10:56] dnpimping: and myalligatorshoes.com
[10:56] DomainVictor: Did I mention I own LazySlob.com :)
[10:56] fishonamission: $213
[10:56] Bido: Bido wants your domains! http://www.bido.com/SubmitDomains
[10:56] Patty Similien: Yeah but I love to travel
[10:56] Patty Similien: I have marking.me
[10:56] Adams Consulting: I am developing an app for the blackberry at this very moment.
[10:56] Bido: Current bid: US $213.00
[10:56] theoretical: this has been a crazy chat!
[10:56] Art: ot
[10:56] navyfrank67: Hi guys
[10:56] Patty Similien: I bring the crazy out of people
[10:56] sanbio: AM I too late
[10:56] Patty Similien: yes
[10:56] sanbio: :(
[10:57] fishonamission: no sanbio, bidding is open :)
[10:57] DomainVictor: Mike Mann gave away 5 domains
[10:57] Art: it's only gonna get crazier as the week goes on, Theoretical
[10:57] Art: stay tuned...
[10:57] Patty Similien: I am definitely coming back to chats
[10:57] theoretical: thursday will be very calm.. no one will show up :)
[10:57] dnpimping: Mike what domains did you give away?
[10:57] navyfrank67: I was wondering if bido is gonna have multiple auctions in the future.
[10:57] Mike Mann: paste didnt work
[10:57] dnpimping: the pimp gets first dibs
[10:57] Art: theoretical, I don't know about that!
[10:57] dnpimping: always
[10:57] fishonamission: or maybe...different starting times?
[10:58] DomainVictor: I believe I call it first Pimpy
[10:58] Bido: Multiple auctions coming soon
[10:58] navyfrank67: cool
[10:58] dnpimping: there are alot of people getting out of domaining
[10:58] Patty Similien: I think they need 10 min auctions
[10:58] stewie: yeah one auction today and another one tomorrow multi auctions LOL
[10:58] dnpimping: liquidating portfolios left and right
[10:59] Mike Mann: come tomorrow and we will work all this out and take over the world
[10:59] navyfrank67: I tried submitting domains but it says there are too many
[10:59] fishonamission: Patty, they need 5 min auctions...since that's where the bidding occurs.
[10:59] dnpimping: sounds good Mike
[10:59] BambooMan: Hey Mike...
[10:59] Mike Mann: until them mikemann at mikemann dot com
[10:59] Patty Similien: Who ever has face book
[10:59] BambooMan: Thank for sending me your book
[10:59] dnpimping: www.twitter.com/dnpimping
[10:59] Patty Similien: mine is S. Patty Similien
[10:59] dnpimping: follow me i follow you
[10:59] stewie: i didnt get a book :(
[10:59] Mike Mann: I will be at domain roundtable too
Art: Patty, any final thoughts about today's domain name?
Mike Mann: book links at mikemann.com
Bido: Current bid: US $240.00
Patty Similien: Whoever owns this name should buy a round :)
Bido: Current bid: US $260.00
stewie: thx MM
Art: ah, very funny
BambooMan: I want a cut for the pushing the book on all these chat members
dnpimping: Mike feel free to have me drive the Porsche when you are out of town
Art: perhaps some Corvoissier
Art: sp>
Patty Similien: I am really excited for the new owner and I would love to be able to offer that watermarking service
Art: Patty Similien, still some time before we crown the new owner
DomainVictor: GrassProots.org is avail. (the P is silent)
dnpimping: lol
dnpimping: the P is for pimp
Patty Similien: DomainVictor, haha!!
DomainVictor: lopl
Adams Consulting: I'd rather have CONTENTPROTECTOR.COM for watermarking service, and use CONTENTTHEFT.COM as mini site. That's me.
stewie: Patty if you sell a domain for 250 plus your commmison what is the total amount???
Patty Similien: 250.00 I just take a 10% cut
ParkingKing: how about trytohackme.com anyone up to creating a site for that one?
stewie: cool
Bido: Tomorrow's guest - Mike Mann (grassroots.org)
dnpimping: you can host it on bido's servers
BambooMan: I got here late...did you guys ever establish who is making the most money on the chat?
DomainVictor: Patty Similien, so how much would that be?
algis: Patty Similien, feel free to tell sellers you have broker permission from me. if they need to confirm it - can email me.
Patty Similien: Awesome stuff
Patty Similien: These are names I can handle brokering
dnpimping: why are people selling 4 character domains on namepros for $2- $3?
DomainVictor: $260!
dnpimping: makes them look desperate!
Patty Similien: Of course it does
Patty Similien: I got kicked of Namepros
dnpimping: why is that?
DomainVictor: It doesn't make them look desparate, it makes them desparate
DomainVictor: desperate
dnpimping: i picked up sportsmagazine.us for 50 cents from there
Art: Patty, how may the viewers get in contact with you? (1 more time)
dnpimping: doesn't make sense
Bido: Less than one minute..
Patty Similien: I couldnt really tell you, they said ppl were complaining, I went through a hard season and they thought I was up to some tricks when I wasnt
DomainVictor: Mike, as someone in DE you should appreciate this one. Grabbed Scrapple.info for $1
Patty Similien: [email protected]
ParkingKing: going once
Bido: << SOLD >> US $260.00
Art: Cheers to Cognac
DomainVictor: wow.
Patty Similien: I'll post this chat on places
Bido: Tomorrow: PASSION.US
Adams Consulting: Congrats, Cognac.
Art: Patty Similien, thanks for doing this. It was very informative
Adams Consulting: Thanks, Patty.
DomainVictor: Patty Similien, please correct my spelling...and cut my wieght by 40lbs
dnpimping: lol
Patty Similien: gotcha
Art: Nice chat today everyone
dnpimping: DV there is a reality show for that

Tia Wood

Web Developer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
[10:45] theoretical: I had plans to retire at 25 - I made it as far as "move to florida"... but that was about as far as I got



Level 7
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Dec 20, 2007
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It was great fun and I made some pretty cool connections. It has inspired to break through even more of my barriers and get that rainbow cloud puff!

Tia Wood

Web Developer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Today's guest is Patty Similien of StarpowerDomains.
TiaWood: Hi, Patty.
TiaWood: Hi, everyone.
Jarred: TiaWood, hello
Ty_: Hi Tia, Jarred
Patty Similien: Hi
Patty Similien: I apologize in advance, I was accidently woken up at 4:30 because my aunt thought I wanted to wake up at that time
Ty_: Hi Patty
Patty Similien: Hi Ty
algis: ello
algis: Hey Patty
Patty Similien: How is everyone?
Art: I'll have the early bird special please
algis: I had a question for you. You had any luck finding end users for $20k+ and 50k+ names?
Patty Similien: i have had luck, but I can tell you that you that you better have a large roledex or get on the business forums that promote new start ups etc..
Art: Patty Similien, hello
Patty Similien: Hi Art, how goes it
algis: I am talking about generic names with high search volume. Think you would want to find buyers for a few?
Art: pretty good. thx for doing this
Patty Similien: No problem, i hope that everyone goes away feeling as confused as I do (bad joke) *grinning*
Art: here we go...
Art: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Patty Similien of StarpowerDomains
Art: Patty, when did you start StarpowerDomains?
Patty Similien: I started it as a branch off a parent company
Patty Similien: in 05
Art: what is the parent co?
Patty Similien: I didnt register the domain name til last year
Patty Similien: Equity Builders of texas
Patty Similien: its no longer in service as I dont like real estate anymore
Art: interesting. so you ran that company prior to starpower?
TiaWood: Oh, you're from Texas?
[10:02] Patty Similien: No my brother and I did
[10:02] Patty Similien: noo, I am from Seattle, Washington
[10:03] Art: Patty, what was your inspiration to start the business?
[10:04] Patty Similien: I have seen a lot of websites and I just always was inspired to develop and create software that no one would think was possible to make or create
[10:04] Patty Similien: Something that people can actively use and understand in their own business
[10:05] jhansen: Any plans or update on that 24hr/$2,000 challenge?
[10:05] Art: If you can create something that can be used in several businss types, you really have sometihing
[10:05] Patty Similien: Well Tia and I were going to do a race against each other but she we have yet to get it started
[10:06] Art: who can make $2k in 24 hours?
[10:06] jhansen: Ref: http://starpowerdomains.com/i-hereby-challenge-myself-to-make-2000-dollars-in-24-hours/
[10:06] Patty Similien: As far as a software piece, I am in the midst of working a project that I think will be extremely helpful for domainers
[10:06] Art: do tell..
[10:07] Patty Similien: Yeah, I think it would be an interesting challenge. I see all this hype with well known marketers, how they made a 150 billion dollars in 2 days, so I figured it couldn't be that much harder
[10:08] algis: 150 billion in 2 days? lol
[10:08] Art: so you've created these tools that can be purchased at your website?
[10:08] Patty Similien: as far as the softeare, I am looking at something that will generate a report and top ten list of people who would be interested in your domain and how to approach them based on a website algorithm
[10:09] algis: you really want to open that spam system for end users? :)
[10:09] Patty Similien: I am in the process of creating them as the days go by. I still have quite a ways to go. hence why I am brokering domains as my moonlighting job
[10:09] algis: then they will get multiple emails from noobs with crappy domains
[10:09] Patty Similien: thats where it gets awesome
[10:09] Patty Similien: It won't allow that, these names have to meet a special criteria before they can even be diagnosed
[10:10] algis: phew :)
[10:10] Art: that's an interesting feature. how does it work?
[10:11] Patty Similien: Well I have a friend who went to MIT and once I raise the appropriate funds, he'll be creating what I like is an artificial intelligence chip that will sense junk from the actual names that will help so for example
[10:11] DomainVictor: Sorry to go off topic but this go me thinking. How did that "domain stock market" project go? what was the domain agian?
[10:12] Art: DomainVictor, don't think I heard about this one
[10:12] fishonamission: Victor, i know what you're talking about...i forget the name.
[10:12] fishonamission: fusu.com ?
[10:12] DomainVictor: it was a 4 letter domain i think
[10:12] DomainVictor: yes. let me check
[10:12] Art: Patty, what services does StarpowerDomains provide? Do you offer development, domain management, etc?
[10:13] Patty Similien: If you have a domain that is within 1-2 word versus 3-5 words, or the amount of letters that goes into it
[10:13] Patty Similien: Yes Art
[10:13] Patty Similien: I offer content creation
[10:13] fishonamission: I think it's still around, not sure how successful it was
[10:13] Patty Similien: 2 writers called my little sisters
[10:13] Art: on any topic?
[10:13] Patty Similien: on any and all topics. If you look at some of my sites, these chicks know how to write
[10:14] Patty Similien: my sister just finished a book: saydiemason.com
[10:14] Patty Similien: She's fantasic
[10:14] Art: I have checked out a few. How to get a raise - interesting indea
[10:14] DomainVictor: MIT Grads and Novelist...I feel underdressed
[10:14] Patty Similien: These are just our ideas, we saw that there were alot of money behind these names and just regged
[10:14] Art: DomainVictor, it's pretty highbrow in here
[10:15] Patty Similien: Well I am sometimes smart and I hang with cool smart people
[10:15] DomainVictor: Noone (except Sahar) has a higher browline than me
[10:15] Art: Patty Similien, what % of your business comes from this content creation idea?
[10:15] Art: I don't know, DV
[10:15] Patty Similien: about 60% at this point
[10:15] Art: wow. not too bad
[10:16] Art: What t ypes of sites do you create content for?
[10:16] Patty Similien: I find a lot of my clients via CL and going to meetups
[10:16] DomainVictor: I should have said hair line <---have none
[10:16] Patty Similien: DV, rogaine is amazing..
[10:16] DomainVictor: No it is not
[10:16] DomainVictor: Tried
[10:16] Patty Similien: My uncle loves it
[10:16] Art: I hear the makers of Chia Pet are coming out with a similar product
[10:17] Patty Similien: We create content for just about any site, we make business plans, outlines, websites, products pages
[10:17] DomainVictor: I embrace my shiny top
[10:17] Patty Similien: Please do DV, there are still some bald lovers out there
[10:17] Art: Your company does site dev as well, right?
[10:17] DomainVictor: Distracts folks from my gut
[10:17] Domain Superstar: Hi Patty, what is the average word count for the article rates you have published on your site here: http://starpowerdomains.com/services-i-offer/
[10:19] Patty Similien: our rates at this time are: $18.00 per 525 words and 400 for a bulk order of 25
[10:19] Patty Similien: We dont write less than 450 words
[10:20] Art: Patty Similien, how do your writers go about creating articles on topics they are unfamiliar with?
[10:20] Patty Similien: research is so awesome :) Yet we try to keep open and honest lines of communications at all times
[10:21] Patty Similien: If there is something we can't do then we let our customers know
[10:21] Art: So the customer provides a starting point, writers take the ball and run w/ it
[10:21] Patty Similien: Yes
[10:22] Art: Patty, when looking to acquire domains, do you do so with potential end users in mind?
[10:22] Patty Similien: I definitely do
[10:22] Patty Similien: as I am not always going to be interested in the names that I have and I want to be sure thati can get them built up and moved on to the right source
[10:23] Art: do you buy the name with the intent to develop or to flip to end users?
[10:23] Patty Similien: I like to develop my names and keep them to the point that they are making me passive income
[10:24] Art: that makes the domain a bit more attractive in a sale - gets more money as well
[10:24] Patty Similien: Yet lately, I have been trying to raise money for the software piece/membership and I have been selling my good (what I think is good) names
[10:24] Patty Similien: exactly
[10:24] Art: Patty, how many domains do you have in your portfolio?
[10:25] Patty Similien: I have about 200 names
[10:25] Bido: Any questions for Patty out there in Bido-Land? Please feel free to ask away!
[10:25] Patty Similien: Ask me anything, I know 98% of it
[10:25] stewie: lol
[10:26] Art: I bet someone in here knows the other 2%
[10:26] Patty Similien: exactly
[10:26] stewie: i know the other 2%
[10:26] Patty Similien: What i would like to do
[10:26] Patty Similien: Thats my stewie!
[10:26] stewie: :)
[10:26] DomainVictor: I only know 2% maybe they don't overlap!
[10:26] Patty Similien: is ask if anyone who is trying to contact the end sales, what the weak part is for them
[10:27] Mike Mann: Hello
[10:27] Art: Hi Mike
[10:27] Patty Similien: Hi Mike
[10:27] Art: getting a sneak preview, eh?
[10:27] Mike Mann: thanks for invite
[10:27] Art: np
[10:27] Mike Mann: yep
[10:27] DomainVictor: I see you recommend sending phyiscal letters initally rather than email. Why?
[10:27] Bido: Mike Mann will be our guest tomorrow.
[10:28] stewie: he's early ,,...lol
[10:28] Patty Similien: Its more of an impact than anything
[10:28] Mike Mann: first time for everything
[10:29] Patty Similien: You are making more of a statement than an email, an email can get lost, while a letter tends to get tossed on the side with everything else
[10:29] Art: Patty Similien, the end user will actually take time to read the letter, as opposed to deleting 1 or 50 emails in their inbox
[10:29] Patty Similien: and then its gone through later
[10:29] Patty Similien: That's also accurate Art
[10:29] theoretical: Just a letter or do you also include "marketing" type material for the domain?
[10:30] Patty Similien: I also believe you are better calling your potential sales
[10:30] Patty Similien: I usually insert a card with the domain name on the card
[10:30] Patty Similien: makes it look more appealing
[10:30] theoretical: what kind of "conversion rate" do you see from those letters?
[10:31] dnpimping: Patty, I've noticed you are an active member on dnforum. What do you feel about people opening threads and accusing you of being a scammer, when a transaction doesn't go as planned? I noticed you were a vicitm of this recently.
[10:31] Patty Similien: I have sent out at one point 150 letters and I received about 30 calls
[10:31] Bido: Current bid: US $166.00
[10:31] theoretical: that's not bad
[10:31] DomainVictor: Rick Schwartz refuses to do anything but email.
[10:31] Art: that's great, Patty
[10:31] DomainVictor: I don't have $6MM names thought
[10:32] DomainVictor: thought
[10:32] Patty Similien: Rick Schwartz also is also looking at hot names in his portfolio
[10:32] Patty Similien: As far as being called a scammer
[10:32] DomainVictor: unless there is one rich LazySlob.com out there!
[10:32] theoretical: /me steals domainvictor's t
[10:32] Patty Similien: it was disheartening and I have made mistakes in business before but since then, I have tried to do everything as honest, open and forthcoming as possible
[10:33] algis: btw nam.es is up
[10:33] algis: more video on their way
[10:33] Art: people love the .es names
[10:33] DomainVictor: Hacks are whack!
[10:33] Patty Similien: I tried working things out but he had in mind what he was going to do
[10:33] Art: Patty, what advice would you offer to people new to domaining who’d like to make some money from domains they have acquired?
[10:34] Patty Similien: develop, develop, then monetize and just keep at it
[10:34] Patty Similien: Its a hard road, I barely make alot of money doing what I am doing but I know there is an golden future ahead
[10:34] Art: by monetize you mean sell it for more than you bought it for
[10:34] algis: new people can't develop
[10:34] Patty Similien: no, I mean add PPC
[10:34] algis: they can't even pick right domain
[10:34] DomainVictor: What was your latest sale? how much $
[10:34] Patty Similien: My last sale was for 400.00
[10:35] DomainVictor: for a hand reg
[10:35] Patty Similien: yeah
[10:35] Patty Similien: tes i mean
[10:35] Patty Similien: yes*
[10:35] DomainVictor: As a content provider do you have an opinion on today's name?
[10:36] Patty Similien: I dont like it
[10:36] theoretical: :)
[10:36] Bido: Bido - Not Happy
[10:36] DomainVictor: +1
[10:36] Patty Similien: I am sitting here with my sunglasses on wondering how the hell is someone paying over 150 dollars for it
[10:36] algis: I have 3 names that in my opinion are around 110-125k
[10:36] Patty Similien: You sghould email me algis
[10:36] Art: not too shabby, algis
[10:37] Patty Similien: Content theft is all over
[10:37] DomainVictor: algis, what currency? not dollars
[10:37] Patty Similien: DV...LOL
[10:37] algis: DomainVictor dollars :) sadly
[10:37] Patty Similien: Unless someone is going to build content theft and I am giving an idea here
[10:37] Patty Similien: watermark service
[10:37] algis: Patty Similien, can you tell me your email at [email protected] please - so I will reply
[10:37] Patty Similien: to help prevent the right click copy paste feature
[10:38] DomainVictor: Yes jut post everything in PDF format. ;)
[10:38] Art: you might have something there, Patty
[10:38] theoretical: right click, view source, copy, paste is what built the web!
[10:38] Mike Mann: hey, not sure of protocol here, can I paste and promote some names I just picked up or no?
[10:38] DomainVictor: That what got your friend through MIT!
[10:39] Patty Similien: right but it needs to change if we are going to have any income coming off the internet
[10:39] DomainVictor: You have to give one away first. I'll take it
[10:39] Mike Mann: ok
[10:39] stewie: lol
[10:39] Art: Mike Mann, if you'd like we can talk about some of your names tomorrow
[10:39] dnpimping: Mike are your domains are belong to us!
[10:39] Mike Mann: cool
[10:39] Mike Mann: sure they belong to you, mikemann.com
[10:39] Art: Adams Consulting, hello
[10:39] algis: Mike Mann, hey there :)
[10:40] Mike Mann: hey
[10:40] Patty Similien: Mike, what names do you have?
[10:40] Mike Mann: art?
[10:40] DomainVictor: Yikes
[10:40] Art: ok, ok...
[10:40] Patty Similien: hahaha
[10:40] fishonamission: Hey Patty, your name is going into auction in the .ca
[10:40] Mike Mann: all at domainmarket.com and at mikemann.com are mine
[10:40] Mike Mann: search by keyword
[10:40] dnpimping: Mike you own phone.com?
[10:40] Patty Similien: What fish??
[10:40] Mike Mann: today
[10:40] Mike Mann: lastingfun.com
[10:40] Adams Consulting: The rule, in general, is that companies like Google only want to hear about if someone is infringing on your copyrights. They don't want reports about sites stealing other people's content. So, unless people are doing due diligence in searching and reporting offenders, then nothing will happen to the abuser.
[10:40] Mike Mann: oops
[10:40] Mike Mann: wont take paste list
[10:41] fishonamission: Patty.ca is in auction in a couple days
[10:41] DomainVictor: Mike just post them all in this chat
[10:41] Patty Similien: LOL
[10:41] Mike Mann: how?
[10:41] DomainVictor: Should only be about 100K or so
[10:41] dnpimping: Mike I'll buy phone.com from you
[10:41] dnpimping: but i am on a budget
[10:41] Patty Similien: If anyone wants to support Starpower Domains, you can email us at [email protected]
[10:41] Art: Patty, which domain would you buy if you had no financial constraint?
[10:41] dnpimping: Patty what's your twitter
[10:41] lappanion: hey guys hope you are not forgetting to bid on my domain today LOL
[10:41] Mike Mann: 50M and its yours tomorrow
[10:42] dnpimping: ok
[10:42] dnpimping: i'll pull that out of my change drawer
[10:42] Mike Mann: Id buy sex.com
[10:42] fishonamission: there's a domain here lapp ?
[10:42] Patty Similien: I cant seem to access it but it's twitter.com/starpowrdomains
[10:42] DomainVictor: Mike Mann, what currency cause you don't mean dollars?
[10:42] dnpimping: give me a few hours
[10:42] Mike Mann: no I mean pesos
[10:42] lappanion: contenttheft.com
[10:42] dnpimping: even better
[10:42] DomainVictor: still out of my range
[10:42] Mike Mann: its a megacorporation not domain
[10:42] DomainVictor: zimbabwai $ and we are in business
[10:43] fishonamission: good name...but the two T's make it look awkward
[10:43] dnpimping: i'll send a few tecate's also
[10:43] lappanion: indeed thats why am selling hahaha
[10:43] lappanion: joking its a great name
[10:43] Art: Patty, what are you future plans for StarpowerDomains?
[10:43] dnpimping: Art to become filthy rich
[10:43] dnpimping: haha
[10:43] Art: yeah, me too
[10:44] Patty Similien: software development, content creation and helping others get happy
[10:44] Patty Similien: hang with me, we'll be rich before I am 30
[10:44] DomainVictor: Patty Similien, don't forget brokering and sales consulting
[10:44] fishonamission: patty you are under 30?
[10:44] Patty Similien: yes DV
[10:44] Art: Patty Similien, what's your timetable for launching your end user locating tools?
[10:44] Patty Similien: I will be 29 in Oct
[10:44] dnpimping: yes patty is 29.99 years old
[10:44] Patty Similien: LOL
[10:45] DomainVictor: I am not even under 230
[10:45] fishonamission: very good Patty...you better hurry
[10:45] dnpimping: i am also 28
[10:45] Patty Similien: The time table is contingent on how fast I can raise fund
[10:45] Patty Similien: no joke
[10:45] dnpimping: some yongens in hear
[10:45] DomainVictor: Might because I am carring too much domain baggage
[10:45] theoretical: I had plans to retire at 25 - I made it as far as "move to florida"... but that was about as far as I got :)
[10:45] Art: dnpimping, yeah, like me
[10:45] fishonamission: The key to doing well in domaining is having an income on the side
[10:45] Patty Similien: good luck on that fish
[10:46] algis: Patty Similien, emailed
[10:46] dnpimping: haha
[10:46] dnpimping: Art i heard you are older then milk
[10:46] fishonamission: Patty, no luck..it is being done ..by hundreds of domainers
[10:46] Patty Similien: I am trying to raise 5,000 within 2 weeks
[10:46] fishonamission: Patty...try a secured line of credit...
[10:46] fishonamission: or just a line of credit
[10:46] Art: dnpimping, I suppose that would depend on the age of the milk
[10:46] dnpimping: Patty will this Mc Donalds coupon work?
[10:46] DomainVictor: wouldn't that make him COttage CHeese?
[10:46] Patty Similien: Ohh I was thinking you meant like savings etc
[10:47] dnpimping: Yup
[10:47] algis: Patty Similien, sell my names and you will earn 10 :)
[10:47] dnpimping: Art's definitely cottage cheese
[10:47] Patty Similien: Yes dn, it saves me money from having to buy my food
[10:47] Patty Similien: I love cottage cheese
[10:47] Mike Mann: who is making the most money who is on this board? that is who I want to chat with
[10:47] Art: Patty, what are some of examples of clients you have done development work for?
[10:47] dnpimping: Art Patty loves you
[10:47] Art: that's great
[10:47] Adams Consulting: Patty Smilien, I got a line of credit at the bank when I was short on cash.
[10:47] theoretical: /me points to sahar :)
[10:47] Patty Similien: hugs Art
[10:47] Art: I love all the bido chat guests!
[10:48] fishonamission: Adams..i tried suggesting :)
[10:48] Patty Similien: i have done work for Alki Kayak, Bommers, Beatbox inc, many clients
[10:48] fishonamission: Just another note...sometimes timing is everything in domaining....borrowing funds is not a bad thing.
[10:48] Patty Similien: Yeah I tried to get a line but they asked me to reapply in 6 months
[10:49] fishonamission: Patty do you own a home?
[10:49] Patty Similien: I sold it before the home bust
[10:49] algis: Mike Mann, it depends. based on how much I invest, I think I am.
[10:49] Mike Mann: we know about sahar already, who am I missing
[10:49] theoretical: heh.. had a banker say "how much equity do you have in your house"... I said.. "You do realize this is Florida right?"
[10:49] fishonamission: any credit cards? many are giving low 6 month rates :)
[10:49] Bido: Current bid: US $166.00
[10:49] algis: Mike Mann, we been talking to you on linkedin btw. teet.com project if you remember
[10:49] Art: I hear that Jarred guy is loaded, Mike
[10:49] Patty Similien: I lost my job 7 months ago as well, could be my kill factor
[10:50] Mike Mann: yes
[10:50] Patty Similien: He's jewish ;-)
[10:50] algis: I had a job in 2000 last time
[10:50] algis: who needs a job
[10:50] fishonamission: teet or teat ?
[10:50] algis: fishonamission, teet :)
[10:50] Art: Patty, are there any particular individuals who inspired you to get into the domaining business?
[10:50] Mike Mann: hey, here is one I have that is very unique in the world, wi.fi
[10:50] fishonamission: oh ok :)
[10:50] Mike Mann: from finland
[10:50] algis: Mike Mann, I have nam.es :)
[10:50] Mike Mann: cool
[10:50] Patty Similien: Yes there was one person
[10:50] Mike Mann: who wants to build wi.fi ?
[10:50] fishonamission: wow, you can by teats on your site?
[10:50] Patty Similien: I do!!!!
[10:51] Art: Mike Mann, I hear the Finns are real pioneers in wireless technology
[10:51] Mike Mann: yep
[10:51] DomainVictor: of course they are.
[10:51] Patty Similien: I can think of an AWESOME idea with wi.fi
[10:51] dnpimping: Mike how does your wireless internet work on that hill?
[10:51] ParkingKing: how about greatwifi.com as a sister site.
[10:51] DomainVictor: Nokia, Linus and the list goes on
[10:51] fishonamission: Patty, How much do you charge for web development?
[10:52] dnpimping: You'd think you wouldn't get a signal from the beach house in Malibu.
[10:52] ParkingKing: 5000
[10:52] dnpimping: lol
[10:52] theoretical: 2 weeks
[10:52] Art: yep. they went wireless so they wouldn't have to leave their igloos when the powerlines fall down due to ice buildup
[10:52] Art: jk
[10:52] Patty Similien: LOL@dn
[10:52] dnpimping: lol
[10:52] Patty Similien: Mike, tell me what you are looking for and then I make a estimate
[10:52] dnpimping: Mike is pulling our chains
[10:52] Mike Mann: beach is in Delaware
[10:53] ParkingKing: then I will copy it using contentTheft.com
[10:53] dnpimping: his portfolio is by far one of the best i have seen
[10:53] DomainVictor: House in Fenwick here
[10:53] Patty Similien: please dont pull my chain, its my chain from a bad relationship
[10:53] Mike Mann: looking to make worlds most profitable wifi website
[10:53] dnpimping: dorrito bag in Los Angeles here
[10:53] Patty Similien: Mike, I can totally give you 10 ideas
[10:53] fishonamission: $182 now
[10:53] Bido: Current bid: US $182.00
[10:53] fishonamission: beat ya bido :)
[10:53] Patty Similien: it requires a few merges
[10:54] dnpimping: Mike I am downloading your ebook
[10:54] Mike Mann: cool on fendwick
[10:54] Mike Mann: cool on book, email me for hard copies
[10:54] Patty Similien: Mike Mann, we should talk if you are interested
[10:54] Adams Consulting: Wifi wouldn't be quite so cool without the Internet.
[10:54] Mike Mann: mikemann at mikemann dot com
[10:54] DomainVictor: You must be in Bethany
[10:54] Mike Mann: Dewey Beacg
[10:54] Art: Patty, will you be attending any industry functions in the near future??
[10:54] Mike Mann: h
[10:54] dnpimping: But I need you to send me one of your playboy buniees to read it to me
[10:54] dnpimping: bunnies
[10:55] Mike Mann: ok
[10:55] dnpimping: lol
[10:55] Mike Mann: you are the pimp
[10:55] Mike Mann: you send me
[10:55] DomainVictor: Wi.Fi would be a great service/app for the iPhone to allow for finding a wiFi site
[10:55] Patty Similien: I would love to be attending industry
[10:55] Mike Mann: I own myphone.com too
[10:55] dnpimping: there all busy
[10:55] Patty Similien: functions but never know where to go
[10:55] Mike Mann: a just announced service of microsoft
[10:55] DomainVictor: then add in the new blackberry, backjack etc..
[10:55] dnpimping: Mike I own myhat.com
[10:56] Art: Patty Similien, I'm sure there are a few up in your neighborhood
[10:56] dnpimping: and myalligatorshoes.com
[10:56] DomainVictor: Did I mention I own LazySlob.com :)
[10:56] fishonamission: $213
[10:56] Bido: Bido wants your domains! http://www.bido.com/SubmitDomains
[10:56] Patty Similien: Yeah but I love to travel
[10:56] Patty Similien: I have marking.me
[10:56] Adams Consulting: I am developing an app for the blackberry at this very moment.
[10:56] Bido: Current bid: US $213.00
[10:56] theoretical: this has been a crazy chat!
[10:56] Art: ot
[10:56] navyfrank67: Hi guys
[10:56] Patty Similien: I bring the crazy out of people
[10:56] sanbio: AM I too late
[10:56] Patty Similien: yes
[10:56] sanbio: :(
[10:57] fishonamission: no sanbio, bidding is open :)
[10:57] DomainVictor: Mike Mann gave away 5 domains
[10:57] Art: it's only gonna get crazier as the week goes on, Theoretical
[10:57] Art: stay tuned...
[10:57] Patty Similien: I am definitely coming back to chats
[10:57] theoretical: thursday will be very calm.. no one will show up :)
[10:57] dnpimping: Mike what domains did you give away?
[10:57] navyfrank67: I was wondering if bido is gonna have multiple auctions in the future.
[10:57] Mike Mann: paste didnt work
[10:57] dnpimping: the pimp gets first dibs
[10:57] Art: theoretical, I don't know about that!
[10:57] dnpimping: always
[10:57] fishonamission: or maybe...different starting times?
[10:58] DomainVictor: I believe I call it first Pimpy
[10:58] Bido: Multiple auctions coming soon
[10:58] navyfrank67: cool
[10:58] dnpimping: there are alot of people getting out of domaining
[10:58] Patty Similien: I think they need 10 min auctions
[10:58] stewie: yeah one auction today and another one tomorrow multi auctions LOL
[10:58] dnpimping: liquidating portfolios left and right
[10:59] Mike Mann: come tomorrow and we will work all this out and take over the world
[10:59] navyfrank67: I tried submitting domains but it says there are too many
[10:59] fishonamission: Patty, they need 5 min auctions...since that's where the bidding occurs.
[10:59] dnpimping: sounds good Mike
[10:59] BambooMan: Hey Mike...
[10:59] Mike Mann: until them mikemann at mikemann dot com
[10:59] Patty Similien: Who ever has face book
[10:59] BambooMan: Thank for sending me your book
[10:59] dnpimping: www.twitter.com/dnpimping
[10:59] Patty Similien: mine is S. Patty Similien
[10:59] dnpimping: follow me i follow you
[10:59] stewie: i didnt get a book :(
[10:59] Mike Mann: I will be at domain roundtable too
Art: Patty, any final thoughts about today's domain name?
Mike Mann: book links at mikemann.com
Bido: Current bid: US $240.00
Patty Similien: Whoever owns this name should buy a round :)
Bido: Current bid: US $260.00
stewie: thx MM
Art: ah, very funny
BambooMan: I want a cut for the pushing the book on all these chat members
dnpimping: Mike feel free to have me drive the Porsche when you are out of town
Art: perhaps some Corvoissier
Art: sp>
Patty Similien: I am really excited for the new owner and I would love to be able to offer that watermarking service
Art: Patty Similien, still some time before we crown the new owner
DomainVictor: GrassProots.org is avail. (the P is silent)
dnpimping: lol
dnpimping: the P is for pimp
Patty Similien: DomainVictor, haha!!
DomainVictor: lopl
Adams Consulting: I'd rather have CONTENTPROTECTOR.COM for watermarking service, and use CONTENTTHEFT.COM as mini site. That's me.
stewie: Patty if you sell a domain for 250 plus your commmison what is the total amount???
Patty Similien: 250.00 I just take a 10% cut
ParkingKing: how about trytohackme.com anyone up to creating a site for that one?
stewie: cool
Bido: Tomorrow's guest - Mike Mann (grassroots.org)
dnpimping: you can host it on bido's servers
BambooMan: I got here late...did you guys ever establish who is making the most money on the chat?
DomainVictor: Patty Similien, so how much would that be?
algis: Patty Similien, feel free to tell sellers you have broker permission from me. if they need to confirm it - can email me.
Patty Similien: Awesome stuff
Patty Similien: These are names I can handle brokering
dnpimping: why are people selling 4 character domains on namepros for $2- $3?
DomainVictor: $260!
dnpimping: makes them look desperate!
Patty Similien: Of course it does
Patty Similien: I got kicked of Namepros
dnpimping: why is that?
DomainVictor: It doesn't make them look desparate, it makes them desparate
DomainVictor: desperate
dnpimping: i picked up sportsmagazine.us for 50 cents from there
Art: Patty, how may the viewers get in contact with you? (1 more time)
dnpimping: doesn't make sense
Bido: Less than one minute..
Patty Similien: I couldnt really tell you, they said ppl were complaining, I went through a hard season and they thought I was up to some tricks when I wasnt


DNForum Moderator
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 4, 2002
Reaction score
good quote

may need it later

Tia Wood

Web Developer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
:) I didn't want it to get edited. I thought it didn't post but looks like it did.

The rest was cut off. Here's the end of that chat for documentation:

DomainVictor: It doesn't make them look desparate, it makes them desparate
DomainVictor: desperate
dnpimping: i picked up sportsmagazine.us for 50 cents from there
Art: Patty, how may the viewers get in contact with you? (1 more time)
dnpimping: doesn't make sense
Bido: Less than one minute..
Patty Similien: I couldnt really tell you, they said ppl were complaining, I went through a hard season and they thought I was up to some tricks when I wasnt
DomainVictor: Mike, as someone in DE you should appreciate this one. Grabbed Scrapple.info for $1
Patty Similien: [email protected]
ParkingKing: going once
Bido: << SOLD >> US $260.00
Art: Cheers to Cognac
DomainVictor: wow.
Patty Similien: I'll post this chat on places
Bido: Tomorrow: PASSION.US
Adams Consulting: Congrats, Cognac.
Art: Patty Similien, thanks for doing this. It was very informative
Adams Consulting: Thanks, Patty.
DomainVictor: Patty Similien, please correct my spelling...and cut my wieght by 40lbs
dnpimping: lol
Patty Similien: gotcha
Art: Nice chat today everyone
dnpimping: DV there is a reality show for that
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Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 3, 2003
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[10:11] Patty Similien: Well I have a friend who went to MIT and once I raise the appropriate funds, he'll be creating what I like is an artificial intelligence chip that will sense junk from the actual names that will help so for example
[10:13] Patty Similien: If you have a domain that is within 1-2 word versus 3-5 words, or the amount of letters that goes into it

OH... MY... GOD.

And people actually thought this 'software' existed and were asking for screen shots. Of a CHIP.

But I'm glad that someone went to MIT and will soon be using that advanced degree to write a script to figure out how many words are in a domain....
Last edited:


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 5, 2006
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Yes>>>not at all>>>>>>>
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