Here is what made me think up this stupid name.
I was reading another appraisal post about some other name. The name did have a nice ring to it (although I can't remember what it was) and one of the appraisers made the comment; "nice ear snack!" I suppose he was saying that the name sounded pretty good to the ear.
That made me look up I figured it could be a site with some snacks for the eyes. You know... like some teen hottie pictures.
I thought perhaps it was unusual enough to be remembered and branded. But what really made me part with my hard earned $6.95 for the silly thing, was the thought about getting this saying started in some of the local high schools.
Like guys could start saying; "Yeah... she's a total eye-snack!!"
I had the delusion of this catching on like so many other word-of- mouth sayings. Plus I pictured myself pushing it every chance I got.
Just remember... "eye snack"... you heard it here first. :laugh:
PS - Did I mention I was drinking heavily last night?