How truly incredible and awe-inspiring, Kevin. Thank you for sharing each harrowing detail with us. I for one am going to put myself personally in your shoes. Each and every one of us should put ourselves in Kevin's shoes, and realize that today could be out last.
It was just months ago we all read of the hundreds of thousands of lives quickly extinguished in southeast Asia, but to many these lives were distant, and without faces. Then we marvelled and rejoiced with Kevin of his acquisition of and the selfless way he is using this site (and others) to benefit society. When I visited your website last month, I was in awe at the faces -- the loss -- the distinct sorrow felt by each life torn by this tragedy. Now, were it not for divine intervention, we could be reading that Kevin -- one of our very own -- had been killed in a horrific and preventable accident.
Each of us should take a few moments to rejoice with Kevin once again for his preserved life and safety -- and to thank God for each breath we have received from him to date. And to commit that our very next moments will be used in a way to best convey our love for each other. We truly are not guaranteed our next breath, and I for one will do everything I can to ensure that the few I have remaining will be used to uplift my fellow man and glorify God.
Thanks again, Kevin, for sharing and for continuing to make a difference in this world.